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⚠ This book is going to contain a bit of violence so please be warned ⚠ Sorry for any inconveniences.


"Hayley my love, where are you?" His words were slurred which means he was drunk again. Maybe if she stayed where she was he would forget about her and concentrate on getting hammered until he passed out.

This was her life now. Hiding from her abusive husband that threw her around like a rag doll. The first time it happened, he was sorry the moment he woke up. He even made her breakfast and bought her diamonds when he came back from work in the evening. Hayley truly believed he was sorry and since she pledged to love him for better or worse, she forgave him. And in the weeks that followed he took her out on weekends, bought her flowers everyday to truly make her believe how sorry he was. And God she was stupid back then. She actually forgave him despite her father's words. If a man lays his hands on you in any way that doesn't convey love, then you walk honey. You hear me? You walk away because the first time is only the beginning.

But Hayley was naive and young. Because he was her husband and this were the times she would show him that she loved him no matter what. Her father might have been right but he wasn't here to see how Jeff had apologized. He really was sorry and everyone deserved a second chance. And it was pure bliss. The next two months were like a second a honeymoon for them. The dinners in expensive restaurants and the gifts. Even the love making was amazing. And Hayley forgot why her husband was even pampering her.

Six months later he came back home one day wasted, smelling of liquor and cigars. Hayley was sure she could smell cheap perfume on him from a mile away but said nothing. He was drunk and he went straight to bed so there was no reason for her to start a fight. Doing her wifely duties she undressed him and put on his pajamas. That was their new routine in the weeks to come. Until Hayley decided to leave. If her husband didn't want her anymore then why stay. All he did was come home drunk and leave before she even woke up.

When he walked in that day, surprisingly he wasn't drunk. Hayley took her time to study him. When they got married he was the most handsome man she had ever met. And she was equally in shock and awe that such a man would even look her way let alone marry her. With his 5'7 height and Hayley's 5'4 they were a perfect match. And everyone gushed at how they made a cute couple and hopefully beautiful babies in the future. Looking at him now, he had lost weight and his sunken eyes had bugs underneath them. Comparing to the first time she met him, he looked frail.

"Jeff we need to talk" Hayley told him.

"Yeah? About what?" he asked calmly and Hayley thanked her lucky stars She had made the right choice in choosing to speak with him today.

"This isn't working anymore. I mean look at us, we barely talk to each other. You come home and go straight to bed and by the time am up you're already gone." She replied avoiding the 'you come home drunk'. No need to poke the bear.

"And?" Jeff asked in return clearly failing to see the point.

"I want a divorce." She blurted out. Better to say and be done with it. Rip the band aid off. Grab the bull by its horns. Well you get the point. He froze and stayed silent for what felt like hours. They were so silent you could hear a pin drop and then Jeff got up and headed for the kitchen. Dinner was already on the dinning table and without saying another word he proceeded to seat himself and eat. After he was done he stood up and went to his study where he removed a bottle of whiskey from one of his drawers and drank straight from the bottle.

"Jeff did you hear me?" Hayley asked. All this time she was following him around. She sat there and watched him eat but said nothing. She didn't even touch her food. She figured with a full stomach he would be more agreeable and when he went to the study she thought it was time to talk. Until she saw the bottle in his hand. And instead of walking away she still persisted on talking despite the feeling of dread crawling up her spine.

UNBREAKABLEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora