I'll never get board of this.

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A young woman slowly walked through a golden meadow. She admired the golden ocean surrounding her, giggling a bit to the dry strands of grass that tickled her legs as she walked. The young woman paused suddenly, looking to the ground before her in concern. A unnaturally frail figure ominously rose from the grass, looking to her eerily. The young lady took a step back, fear running through her veins, and freezing as she suddenly heard 'Dame Tu Cosita', and watched as the figure turned green and started doing that freaky ass dance while walking around in front of her. She screamed out, before suddenly, everything went dark.

(Y/N) shot up and screamed, startling her BFF, who was driving. The two women were having a screaming fit, causing (Y/N)'s BFF, a fine-ass woman named Cornelius, to nearly drive into oncoming traffic. She swerved away just in time, nearly crashing into another driver, but missing them barely. She slammed her hand over (Y/N)'s mouth as the tires of her car screeched to a stop as they reached a red light. Cornelius looked to you with wide yellow eyes " WHAT THE FAHK (Y/N!? " she said with a valley girl accent. (Y/N) sighed, not responding to her best friend with words, but instead, a look of shame. She looked down onto her lap and frowned, sigh, these awfully distasteful dreams made her hate herself for.. some odd reason. It was her own fault she had that nightmare. Late at night, (Y/N) often exposes herself to a dangerously addictive, illegal substance known as
Now, she loses enormous amounts of sleep and gets gross weird nightmares.
Don't do memes kids.

{(Y/N)'s POV}
I slumped back into my seat with a pout, frowning until Cornelius tapped on my shoulder and I looked up at her " What? " I said glumly.
" We're here. "
I gasped, and instantly pressed my face against the window, looking out in excitement. My jaw dropped, watching crowds of students walking around the neighborhood, moving into homes, etc.

I had the feeling that this, was going to be a very interesting experience.

Max Goof X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now