Something New

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'I don't know, Jaime, you really think I would like this Sam guy?'

'Absolutely,' she replied. She sounded unsure, like she didn't believe it.

'Mmmmm,' I got up off my double bed and looked in my wardrobe. I picked up my red, off the shoulder dress and pondered it for a few seconds before deciding against it.

'Too fancy,' Jaime agreed when she saw me returning it to its place.

'Ugh,' I collapsed backwards onto the bed, 'I haven't been on a date in ages,' I cried, putting emphasise on the last word.

'You went on a date with Dylan a few weeks ago, didn't you?'

'No, oh my gosh no,' I cried, sitting up hastily. 'That wasn't a date, he's one of my best friends, we just went bowling.'

'I dunno, it seemed like a date to me and pretty much everyone else. We had a bet going 'round about whether or not you two would become a couple, which reminds me, Walker owes me $10'

'Really? I thought he liked you, I mean he's always talking abou-,' shit, I was not supposed to say that, I jumped up off the bed, 'um, so, what should I wear?' I tried to change the subject, but Jaime didn't fall for it.

'Wait, what? You, you really think he likes me?' She started blushing and I saw a tiny smile reaching the corners of her mouth.

I smiled at her, I always thought they would make a really cute couple, they were often joking around together and the rest of us always made sure that they say next to each other if we went out for dinner. 'Ya, Jaime, I really think he does.'


I slammed the door behind me as I entered our apartment.

'Whats wrong?' Jaime asked. 'Did you forget something?' She looked around, seeing if their was anything obvious that I might have forgotten.

'No, I, ah, I didn't forget anything,' I replied, sitting down on the couch, next to her.

'Then, what are you doing here?' She looked at me with those big, round eyes of hers, I knew if I looked into them I would break down crying.

'He stood me up,' I said, after a while.

'Oh, Mere, I'm so sorry,' her voice was full of sympathy. 'What an asshole, he doesn't know what he's missing,' she hugged me, causing the tears to fall, dammit Jaime. She got up, picked the phone up off the kitchen counter and started dialling a number.

'Who are you calling?' I sniffed.

Well, Denise and Julia are away with their families this weekend, so I thought I'd call Lo and tell her to come over with some snacks because,' Jaime looked in the cupboards, 'yeah, we have no food.'

'Okay,' I was too miserable to argue with her. I'd never been stood up before, it totally sucked, I can tell you that.


I emerged from my bedroom around half an hour later to see Jaime ushering Lauren, who's arms were filled with food, inside. She dumped it all on the living room table, which was covered by the time all the stuff was spread out. How could one tiny girl carry so much?

'Whats all this?' I pointed to the table.

'Just some breakup food,' Lo answered, 'now, I know it wasn't a breakup, a such, but it runs along the same lines, so, dig in.'

Of course, I started with the beer, what else would you begin your depressing feast with. I finished my first bottle before making a go at the food.

'I thought you said this guy was nice, Jaime,' Lauren looked at Jaime, who shrugged.

'I don't know him that well, he was in one of my improv classes, sure, but we never really talked. One day when I was in class I saw him alone and remembered Mere saying how she wanted to start dating again.'

'Maybe there was a reason he was alone,' Lauren hissed at Jaime.

'It's okay,' I decided to join in with their
conversation. 'Its not Jaime's fault, I should have known a blind date would be a bust.' I reached for a slice of the gluten free pizza. 'Next time, I think I'll try and be friends with the person first, before I date them, so I know what I'm getting in to.'

'Thats a good idea,' Lo smiled at me, she reached for a slice of the pizza as well. 'So, any other news, that you would like to share?'

'Jaime likes Dylan,' I said quickly, watching Jaime blush all the way up to the tips of her ears. Lo squealed loudly.

'Really?! That's so cute, tell me all the details.'


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