14~ Life Or Death? Whats The Difference?

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Over the next week or so, Mitsuki and Katsuki both found out why Izuku called his quirk "ReVive." It was a shock at first, Mitsuki becoming speechless when they walked in on Izuku speaking to a wall. "Izuku, honey, what are you doing?" Mitsuki asked softly, opening the door wide to see the whole room. There was no one else in there, Katsuki was out shopping for dinner, so that left Izuku alone. Izuku smiler, running up to Mitsuki and swiftly hugging her. "Mitsu, it's Mum! She's here! She's right here!" Izuku exclaimed, brimming with joy. Mitsuki's face instantly fell, bending down to Izuku's height, becoming at eye level. "Izuku Sweetie, you know what happened to your mother...she's not-"
"But she is. I don't know how, I know she's...she's...not here anymore. But I can talk to her! She's right here!"

All the puzzle pieces clicked into place. It made perfect sense, if you really stopped to think about it. The dead could see the dead. While Izuku wasn't exactly dead anymore, he could still see them, which explained the name he had given his new found quirk.

Izuku would occasionally talk to his mother, about his day, when he was stressed, anything really. It was just calming for him. He could also turn it off when needed. He would only have about an hour a day, but say if he'd only used 30 minutes today, he would have and extra 30 minutes tomorrow. He could stock pile his hours up, at the moment he had around three hours on his side. It wasn't just his mother he could communicate with either. Every person that has passed, no matter how many years ago, no matter what death they had, Izuku could find them.

Turns out, Izuku might need glasses. When he had numb days, his vision became blurred and colourless. To assist in counteracting Izuku's dulled vision, glasses were on the table. There was a slight problem though. Izuku physically can't wear glasses. The ear cuffs had left his ears severely mangled. Hit right ear, had to be stitched, pressed flat against his head, just for it to stay on. While his left ear, had flopped all the way over, due to the sheer pressure and weight of the cuff. It created a strange balance between the two ears. It made Izuku look a bit funny, but he could still hear just fine. His left ear now made it easier to locate echos. A little bit like bats. He could cover his right ear, and focus in on the vibrations made throughout his left ear.

It was really cool, the design and support department {can't remember names but you know what I mean} were in the process of manufacturing special gear. Things that could maximise Izuku's skills with ease. It was a work in progress, but it was moving along nicely. They were also making special goggles for Izuku, but instead of cuffs, these were more headphones. Of course it wouldn't fit in his left ear, so they'd have to figure out a way to work around that. He wouldn't let them put a cuff on him, not again, not ever.

While Izuku's new quirk was amazing, it did heavily depend on the day. That's what the design and support department were aiming to fix. "Izuku." Katsuki asked suddenly one day, while the two were walking home. "Hm? What is it kacchan?" Izuku replies, slowing down and smiling at Katsuki. Today was nearing the end cycle of a trio of sensitive days, so it wasn't as serious as it would've been, but they still had to be extremely careful. "Are you afraid that...the he will come back?" Katsuki was careful with his wording. Him and his mother had made it clear not to mention Shigaraki unless absolutely necessary, as it caused immense distress towards Izuku. But katsuku thought this seems important enough. "Well...It's pretty hard not to be, y'know? To be tortured by a man of such power for so long, and then to see him easily taken down. You wouldn't think so, but it was extremely unnerving." Izuku's words had always remained soft, even when he'd seemed to be dying in the hospital, he always seemed so soft.

"Yeah...I guess it was a stupid question. You just seem...annoyingly calm about this whole situation." Katsuki mumbled as he played with the loose gravel at his feet. His hands were stuffed into his pockets, a casual gesture he had seemed to adapt from Izuku's sheepish stature. "Hey, kacchan...do you think..." he trailed off. The question seemed to disappoint him, as if the answer would be too brutal for him to handle. "What is it?" Katsuki asked softly, stopping and turning to face Izuku. Izuku took a deep breath, also turning to Katsuki but directing his gaze downwards. "Do you think...do you think my dad thinks about me? I mean it's been so long and...and if my death was broadcasted, he'd had to of seen it...right? So...so why haven't he looked for me? Why...why didn't he bother to be a part of my life. Why..." there was an uncomfortably long pause before Izuku spoke again, his voice trembling severely as he looked up, tears evident in his features. "Why wasn't I ever good enough for him?"

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