How Much Jewelry is Too Much

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How much jewelry is toomuch jewelry?!

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How much jewelry is toomuch jewelry?!

The right jewelry can makeor break your outfit. How many pieces is too many pieces of jewelry?!This is often the question I ask myself as I stand in front of themirror. I say as long as you aren't wearing every piece of jewelryyou own then you are in the clear. It comes down to preference andwhat look you are going for. I often layer bracelets and long andshort necklaces together. It usually ends up creating a boho feel.When I want a more classic look, I keep it simple, either all daintyjewelry or no more than one statement piece. I found wearing bignecklaces with big earrings just ends up weighing down my outfit.

The thing to remember isbalance. Do the pieces you chose balance out your outfit? Do theycompliment your outfit? Do they encompass the look and feel or vibeof your outfit? If you stand in the mirror and you feel confident,feel like you outfit with your jewelry is cohesive then you arewearing the perfect amount of jewelry.

The more unique thejewelry the better! Let your jewelry speak to your personality! Layerit up or wear just one piece. At the end of the day we are alldifferent and all like different looks. As long as YOU feel confidentand good in what you are wearing everyone else will like it too,after all who doesn't love a women with confidence!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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