Chapter 3

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Louie sat up slowly and rubbed his head, which he had hit when he fell, the ringing still present in his ears. His vision was blurry as he looked around and tried to get up. He fell again, once again alrming the two triplets inside the room he was in front of. Huey rushed out of the room by the second thump with a sleepy  Dewey behind him. Louie was still sitting on the floor holding onto his head and stomach. He had eaten not too long ago and the food he had consumed was not sitting well at the moment.

"Louie!" Huey shouted in a worried tone. Louie put his hand out to keep his brother away. Dewey watched in the background with worry in his sleepy eyes, he too had his hand slightly reached out towards Louie.

"Stay, away.......get away, from me." Louie stated breathlessly.

"Louie, let us help." Huey pleaded.

"No......leave me alone."

"Louie......we won't take no for an answer." Dewey walked towards his brother and helped him up.  He put his arm under Louie's arms and propped him up.

"Leave me alone. Put me down." Louie struggled to get out of his older brother's grip. "Let me go!" The youngest triplet fell to the ground and began coughing before he slowly began retching.

"What's happening Huey?" Dewey asked.

"Sit him up and rub his back gently, I'll be right back." Dewey did as told, his brother still refusing. A while later, Huey rushed back to where they were with a bucket that had a bag in it.

"Is he going to be okay?" Dewey asked as he listened to Louie retch into the bucket.

"He'll be fine......I hope." Louie continued coughing and retching  violently into the bucket until the contents of his last meal came up and out. Tears sprung into his eyes as he continued vomiting into the bucket, his brothers watching him in worry. The young triplet noticed and once he finished his 'chore' he ran into his room. The next morning Huey and Dewey decided to check on their brother, no matter the cost. When they entered the room, they saw Louie laying in bed, staring at the door.

"Guys?" He stated in a quiet voice. "I don't feel so good." Huey went over to Louie's bedside and put the back of his hand on his brother's forehead.

"He has a fever."

"Will he be okay?"

"I'm sure he'll be fine. He just needs to rest a bit." Huey answered. Louie stared at his brothers from where he lay, he could barely hear anything of what they were saying due to his fever. After a while, he nodded of too sleep.

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