They Made You Cry

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As I approach the hospital I couldn't help but think that Kurt and Ram did this. They had come from that way, and looked pretty suspicious. As soon I park, I hurry to get Veronica out of the back seat. "Help!" I yell when I reach the ER. A few nurses rush over. "What's her name?" One asks. "Veronica Sawyer." I say. "What happened?" Another asks. "Um... I found her like this at school. I think someone beat her up." I explain. They take her out of my arms and get her on a stretcher. I see a phone and dial my mom's number.

"Hello?" She answers. "Mom, it's Jason." I speak into the phone. "Jason? Honey what's wrong?" She asks. "Uh... something happened to Veronica. Can you meet me at the hospital?" I try to speak as cleary as I could. "Of course!" My mom says before hanging up. Then I realize that I have the car. "Shoot!" Well, let's hope she can run here.

"Hey, I got here as fast as I could." My mom comes running up to me. "What happened, honey?" She hugs me. "I think someone hurt her at school. I found her at the back of the school." I tell her. "Let's sit." She guides me to the waiting room.

We sit and wait for hours. "I'll go ask about her." I say, walking up to the front desk. "Hi, do you have any information on Veronica Sawyer?" I ask the lady with the big red glasses. She looks the name up on her computer. "She's in room 103. She should be waking up soon." She tells me. I look at my mom and she mouths "go." I nod and walk down the hall until I find the door that reads 103.

Veronica lays on the bed, looking more peaceful than I've ever seen her. I sit on the edge of the bed and enlace my fingers in hers. "Hey," I hear her practically whisper. "Hey, Ronnie." I smile. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah." She lies. "What happened?" She thought about it. "I got a note, that I thought was from you, to meet you at the back of the school. So I go... and Kurt and Ram show up. I don't really remember much else." She tries to explain. "It's fine." I tell her.

Veronica looks at the door. "Hi." I turn to see my mom. "Hi, are you okay?" She asks her. "As good as I'll ever be." Veronica painfully laughs. Even when she's in pain, she still has the cutest laugh. "The doctor says you'll have to stay here for a couple days." My mom says. "Oh. That's okay." Veronica was probably relieved to not have to see those jerks for a while.

"Hey, how about I go home and get some stuff for you." I offer. "Yeah, that'd be great." Veronica smiles. I get in the car. Those stupid jocks have to pay for what they did to her.

I pass the entrance to Veronica's neighborhood and go to the football field parking lot. Ram was tossing the football around with some of his friends. Rage filled me and soon enough I had Ram by the collar of his shirt and he was against a lightpost. "You did this!" I yell. "Did what?" He laughs. "Don't play dumb! You hurt Veronica!" I slam him against the post again. "I'm sorry your slut of a girlfriend can't handle me." He smiles. "Excuse me?" He looked like the answer was obvious. "Why do you think she was back there? That note was from me and Kurt. We signed it too." He explains. "Liar!" I yell. He simply laughs. "Stay away from her, or I will make your life hell!" I shout before releasing him and storming off. "Hey, tell your slut I said hi!" He shouts at me.

I ignore him and go to Veronica's house. Veronica had told me where the spare key was. I saw her diary sitting on the nightstand. I grab that and put it in a small bag. Once I'm done, I get some of my clothes and put it in a seperate bag.

I come back to the hospital room, and Veronica is sleeping. My mom wasn't there, she might be getting Veronica some food. I sit in the chair beside the bed. I set the bags next to my chair. "JD?" Veronica sleepily asks. "Yeah?" I sit up. "You've been gone a while. Is... everything okay?" She turns to face me. "Yeah, I just stopped to get gas." I lie. "You confronted them didn't you?" She says. How did she know? I stay silent. "JD. Why did you do that? They could've hurt you again." She frowns. "I had to make sure they wouldn't hurt you." I argue. "And..." I wanted to tell her what Ram said. "And what?" She had a very concerned look on her face. "And... they said you met them there." I spit out. "What? You don't believe them, do you?" She gasps. "No! They're jerks. They're just trying to save their skin." I reassure her. "Good." She was breathing heavy. "Ronnie? Ronnie what's wrong?" I move next to her on the bed. Then the heart monitor she was hooked up to started beeping like crazy. "Ronnie, it's okay." I tried to calm her down. The doctors come in and push me out. My mom comes running up behind me. "What happened?" She asks. "She got upset and had a panic attack." I tell her. "They'll be with her for quite some time. We should go back to the house." She says. "No. I have to stay here. You can go home. How about you go home and I spend the night here. You can pick me up in the morning for school." I offer. "Okay. Make sure you eat something, though." She hugs me and leaves me in the hallway.

After about 2 hours, they finally let me back in the room. "Hey." I sit on the edge of the bed and hold her hand. "I'm sorry about earlier. I just... couldn't breath." She apologizes. "Hey, hey, hey. Don't apologize. I upset you. I should be telling you sorry." I scoot closer. "No. I'm glad you told me." She assures me. "I believe you, you know that right?" I ask. "Yeah. Not that I'd blame you if you didn't. You could even check my locker. The note's still there." She rambles. "Ronnie. I believe you." I calm her down. I wasn't about to let her have another panic attack. "Okay." She takes a deep breath. "You should get some sleep." She tells me. "Yeah, school tomorrow." I put on an obviously fake smile. She laughs. I start to move but she grabs my arm. "Will you stay with me?" She asks with pleading eyes. "Of course." She slides over and I climb onto the bed next to her. I try to be careful and not hurt her.

I awoke by a soft shake. "Honey, time to get up." My mom stood over me. I get out of the bed and get dressed in the bathroom. Veronica was awake when I came out. "Bye, Ronnie." I softly kiss her on the cheek. "Bye." She says.

My mom drops me off at school. Everyone was staring at me. Kurt and Ram probably told everyone Veronica "cheated on me" or something. I walk inside to see pictures of Veronica everywhere. They all had SLUT written in blue letters on each picture. I tore down every single one I could find. "Someone's in denial." Heather Duke laughs. "I'm not in denial. I'm just smart enough to see that Kurt and Ram are liars." I continue taking down the photos. "JD I hate to break it to you, but your girlfriend is the liar." She crosses her arms. "She's in the hospital right now." I say. "What? Lies! She probably just didn't come to school today because she knows all this is true." She says. "Heather I just came from there!" I yell. "You really are in denial." She laughs and walks away.

All day I kept getting sympathy looks. This one guy at lunch whispered something to one of his friends and I finally snapped. "Okay, could you please stop? My girlfriend didn't cheat on me! Stop having sympathy for me for no freaking reason!" They stare at me for a minute, then look away. "You should probably calm down." Heather Chandler stands over me. "Shut up, Heather." I snarl. "You shut up. So... little Veronica is in the hospital? For what?" She smiles. "For what really happened between her, and Kurt and Ram." I say. "And what really happened?" She puts her hands on her hips. "She was out there to meet me and Kurt and Ram tried to kill her!" I raise my voice. Kurt and Ram look at me like I'm crazy. "You know it's true!" I yell at them. "I don't believe it." Chandler says. "Why not." She leans forward. "Because if she's enough of a slut to get with you, then she's enough of one to cheat on you with Kurt and Ram." She smiles and walks away. I storm out and go to Veronica's locker. I'm going to prove to those jerks that she was there to see me.

I enter her combination that she had given me at the beginning of our relationship. And there was the note. In clear handwriting it said: "Meet me at our spot? -JD" There it was. The proof I needed. But I had to ask Veronica. This is kind of a special, private thing between us. Yes, the spot is for everyone, but everyone doesn't need to know that we go back there.

I didn't see Chandler anywhere for the rest of the day. She's probably just behind the school with some random guy or skipping to smoke in her car. I just wanted to see Veronica.

Hospital Secretary's POV

I was doing paper work as usual. "Hi, I was wondering where I might find my friend's room." A female's voice asks. "Patient name?" I ask, still looking at my work. "Veronica. Veronica Sawyer." They say. I look up the name. "Room 103." I tell her. I look up to see a girl in all red. "Thank you." She says, heading down the hall.

What?! Heather is here to see Veronica? WHAT?! I thought she didn't believe her or JD! This is crazy. Kidding, I knew I wanted to do this. I guess you'll find out why she's here next part. Bye y'all!

Let Us Be Seventeen (Jdronica)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora