Chapter 6: The weapon ceremony

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Aiki: Now let's the ceremony begin.

The door open and students walk through it. I saw a scanner that scan every student that when in. Maybe to prevent other type wizard to come in.

When we enter, we saw all kinds of weapon in container. From sword, bow, gun even hammer and wands.

Tetsuya: Okay, one by one. We will be calling your name. You will put your hand on this special pillar. If the pillar is reacting, the weapon will coming to you.

Aiki: Understand~

Students: Yes, President.

One by one, students name being call to summons the weapon. Some of them manage while some had no luck. I look around and relieve that Mayu and her gang is not here. Good.

Tetsuya: Shinsuke Shigami!

Shin: Yes!

Oh is Shin's turn. Let see if he manage to summons any of them.

(Samuru P. O. V.)

So far the ceremony had gone out well. Now is Shin's turn. I hope he manage to do it.

Shin put his hand at the pillar and transfer his magic to it. Suddenly the ground start to shack.

Ricky: An earthquake?

Yuki: No

Aiki: Is a signal of a powerful weapon from the secret chamber room.

Sora: What's that?

Sakura: The secret chamber room contain all the weapon that once used by the legendary wizard in the great war 600 years ago. It so rare for a weapon from that room to choose a welder.

Then a sword come out and land beside Shin. The sword is look like an Excalibur sword but it design and feature is different.

Shin: *take the sword* What's this sword?

Sakura: The sword of superior skill. That sword had once be used by the foundation of the Sanctuary Wizard who is one of the member of the royal family of Heartfilia. It say that this sword is can summons other sword and it say to be the king of sword.

All: Wow~ *amazed*

Novu: What's the name of the Sanctuary Wizard foundation?

Yuki: His name had never been written in the history. But his tittle was Sanctuary Wizard of Technique.

Ricky: That's so cool Shin.

Shin: *look at the sword* *smile* Welcome to the family.

Tetsuya: Now, let's continue with the ceremony.

The name continue. So far, no one manage to call a weapon from that room again. Until is our turn.

Tetsuya: Now, for the first year middle division. Novu Moru.

Novu Moru come to the front and do the same thing as Shin. Like Shin before, the ground start to shack but it different than usual. Dragen who is in Novu pocket start to shine bright.

Novu: What is happening?!

Just then big red dragon appear before us. It has green eyes and the dragon has cannons on his back. The dragon was holding a small bags at his mouth.

Red Dragon: Who has summons me from my sleep?

Novu: Who are you?

Red Dragon: I am the Dragon who control the fire, Dragen. Young boy, looks like you have processes some of my power and spirit. What's your name?

Guardian Academy: The life as a studentΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα