You all met up about once a month, taking it in turns to travel. You'd made small talk in the car on the way there and you suspected Sam definitely didn't know who Niall was. You knew Evie would know straight away. Her and Lewis went to loads of gigs and festivals and would go to the Capital Summer time ball every year.

You spotted them waiting by the entrance as you crossed the street. Evies eyes widened as you made your way over to them. Everyone greeted each other and you introduced Niall to Evie, Lewis and Jack.

Sitting down at the table Niall blended in nicely. The waiter handed you your menus and took your drinks order.

"So, how was your drive in?" Sam asked.

"Roads weren't too busy for a Saturday actually." Lewis said.

"You finished all the plans for the wedding?" Kate asked.

"Yeah almost, just a few bits like table plan and I've got to collect our dresses this week." Evie replied.

"I'm looking forward to it." You said. "You nervous yet Lewis? Planned your bolt down the aisle?!"

"Charlotte!" Evie said.

Everyone was laughing. "Sorry!" You replied.

"So how long have you two been together?" Niall asked Evie.

"Um 4 years, engaged for about 15 months."

"When's the wedding?"

"3 weeks today, April 14th. Getting married at the church where my parents were married, then a reception at The Old Country Hotel near where we live. You're welcome to come." She said looking between you and Niall.

You raised your eyebrows at her.

"Thanks, that's kind of you. I know I'm in America till the 12th but I'll check my diary and let you know."

"What are you in America for?" Sam asked and everyone looked at him.

"Golf, the Masters starts on the 4th of April so I'm heading out there in a weeks time."

"Wow that's so cool. Have you been before?"

Niall looked towards you before answering Sam. "Yeah, I go every year. I started a golf management company a couple of years ago so I go with my team."

Lewis and Jack joined in the conversation chatting about Tiger Woods and Rory Mcilroy as you all looked over your menus. Once you'd ordered your food Niall excused himself to use the bathroom.

"Sam, do you know who Niall is?" Evie asked him chuckling when Niall had gone.

"What do you mean?"

"He's a famous singer, he was in one direction. He's had a number one album and two world wide tours. Heard he's working on his second album." Evie said.

You hadn't realised she'd known so much about him.

"Are you kidding me? I had no idea! How the hell do you know him Char?" Sam replied.

"He's my best friend Willie's cousin."

"Are you dating him? Has he been messing you around?" Sam asked.

"No he's not messing me around. I'm not sure what we are and please guys don't make it awkward and don't mention this to anyone else."

"Course we won't." Lewis said.

"He actually seems a nice guy" Sam said.

"He is."

Niall joined the table and gave you a nervous look, his ears had obviously been burning. You squeezed his leg reassuringly under the table.

Playing Hard to Get - A Niall Horan storyWhere stories live. Discover now