I think about telling him to leave without me and will follow when I'm ready but I decide to listen to Yuta's old words.

"Let's go eat."

Jungwoo isn't home when Yuta drops me off at 4:30. Apparently he offered to stay back and lock up at 5.

Seulgi arrived a few minutes before 5. She looked exhausted when she walked into the apartment.

I just took her to the couch and sat her down quickly before going to grab a box of tissues, not sure if she was going to cry or not.

She pulls out a couple of tissues before taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

"How long were you and Yuta together before he asked you to move into his apartment?" She asks me.

"We had been dating for two months. I moved in straight after we graduated. He wouldn't let me go anywhere else." I nearly smile at the memory but remind myself that his current girlfriend is sitting beside me.

"We have been dating for a year and he hasn't even brought up the idea of us living together. I'm still stuck with my mom." She frowns and I nod, not knowing what to say.

"The last week he has been acting really strange. He keeps cancelling our plans. It feels as though he is trying to avoid me."

I clasp my hands together in my lap and lower my gaze.
"You haven't had a fight or anything?"

"No, but I feel like we will soon. I was hoping you'd know what was going on with him."

That's when it hits me that he hasn't told her about his grandma. She'd be a lot more sympathetic if she knew.

"I think you might just need to give him some space for a while. That may be the best thing for your relationship right now."

Seulgi sniffs and wipes her eye stiffly. I hadn't even noticed that she had started crying.

"I really love him, Hyeji. I don't want us to end."

"Hey, don't even think about that" I lean over and pull her into my embrace. "You guys are just going through a tough time right now. Everything will be fine. Just give it some time. Give him some space."

"I know I sound awful but I don't want to give him space. I'm his girlfriend. If anything, I want to be closer to him. I want to live with him but he won't let me."

She begins to sob softly and I can't help myself from protecting Yuta. This is a delicate time for him. She needs to back off.

"Yuta is a sensitive person Seulgi. Believe me when I say that you need to give him some space for the next week and bit. If you want the two of you to last you can't be constantly nagging him and asking what's wrong. If he wants to tell you he will but stop pushing him."

She quietens after my small rant and gently pushes me away.

"Is there something that I don't know? That you and him do?" She asks, her voice soft.

"Yes. There is and no I can't tell you. That's his choice to make." I confess.

"How could-" I interrupt her before she gets too angry.
"Three people know about this. Yuta, Taeyong and I. No one else knows and I am going to keep it that way."

She breathes deeply as though she were trying to calm herself. I speak again before she has the chance.

"I swear if you pressure him to tell you then I don't know what I'll do to you. Let Yuta have this one thing secret okay? It's really hard for him and I don't want him to be even more hurt because of you."

Try Again | NCT YutaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora