~Chapter 10~

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Jimin POV:

After filming the video with them, there were lots of comments about me and y/n. Some nice, but some not so nice. I told her to ignore the negative ones and focus on the positive ones. "Oh by the way, Tae text me your bed is all ready" I said smiling. "Tell him I said Thankyou" she replied. I nodded. I heard y/n's phone ringing. She grabbed her phone and read the caller ID and sighed. "What do you want Alex?" She asked coldly. All the attention was turned to y/n. . "Oh my god, i forgot about that" she exclaimed. "I'll be there in a few minutes" she said. "I'm supposed to babysit today, I completely forgot" y/n said ending the call. "You're not going in that house alone after what he did" Jimin said. "I'll stay with you" Jimin volunteered. "Thanks Jimin, I'll text you ok?" She said to Dan and Phil. They nodded and smiled. We walked out and I drove to Alex's house. Y/n knocked on the door. He answered it and smiled but his smile faded when he saw me behind y/n. "Why'd you bring him?" He asked irritated. "I'm not leaving you alone with her, you've done enough" I said rudely. "My mums inside so just act normal y/n" Alex said. Y/n shrugged. "I'll do what I want thank you very much" she simply said as she walked in. I snickered and followed her. Alex's mum hugged y/n tightly, then she looked at me. "Hey I recognise you, those pictures of you and y/n got leaked right?" His mum asked. "What pictures?" Alex asked. Crap...he doesn't know. Y/n looked at me as a silent cry for help. 

Y/n POV:

I looked at Jimin as if to say help. Alex's mum pulled the picture up on the phone and showed it to Alex. He looked up from the phone and glared at me and Jimin. "Y/n, why is your hand on his...." Alex stopped. I crinkled my nose and he showed me the picture. "I didn't actaully have my hand there it just looks like it" I said truthfully. "Course" Alex muttered sarcastically under his breath. "Are they sleeping?" I asked. "No no they're in the kitchen with you're father" Alex said smirking. "What, why is my dad here?" I asked confused. "My mum thought it would be nice to bring him along" Alex added. I wanted to kick him so hard right now. Then, my dad walked in the room. "Hello y/n" my dad said acting all friendly. Why is he being nice? He then looked at Jimin and looked at me again. "Before you ask, he's here because I asked him to be" I lied. "But why?" He asked again looking at Jimin in disgust. "Let's go see them then, shall we Jimin?" I asked. Jimin nodded and slung his arm around me. "Unhand her" my dad said. Jimin let go and we walked into the kitchen. I crouched down by them both. They were both 6 months old. "Hiya" I said cutely to them. "How are you?" I asked cutely and made a funny face afterwards. They giggled. They're names were Frankie and Chantelle. Frankie pointed to Jimin. "Oh that's y/n's friend" I said referring to myself in 3rd person.

"Friend, my ass" I heard Alex say behind us. "Watch your language there is babies" I said pulling Jimin closer to me. Jimin started tickling Frankie. Frankie was in a giggling fit. "You sure have a way with the babies" I said laughing. He nodded and started tickling Chantelle. I laughed at him and admired him. I don't know what was cuter, the babies or him. "Once you've finished checking Jimin out,  I'd like to talk to you y/n" Alex said leaning against the wall. I rolled my eyes and walked off with Alex to his room. "You better not tell my mum" he said seriously. "Ugh just let me go back to Jimin" I said trying to leave. He grabbed my wrist harshly. "Ow" I yelled. "Drama queen" he said. I rolled my eyes again. "I will tell your dad you had sex with Jimin if you don't do this thing I'm about to ask you" He said getting closer to me. "But I haven't had sex with Jimin" I said confused. "I know that's the point" he said smirking. I scoffed. "You have to sleep in my room tonight" Alex said. "Whatever just let me go back to Jimin" I groaned. He let go and I walked back to Jimin. "Hey y/n, we are gonna go now" Alex's mum said, gesturing to my dad. I nodded and waved at them. Alex came out of his room as soon as they left. Frankie then started crying. Alex groaned really loudly and took the dummy of the side and forced it in his mouth. I took it out and picked him up in my arms and bounced subtly. He stopped crying.

"I think he stopped crying because he can't see you anymore" Jimin said poking the babies cheeks. I giggled. "Jimin is much more handsome than Alex isn't he?" I asked the baby laughing. The baby smiled and nodded. I giggled. "Oh wait I forgot to say something" Alex said. I turned to him sighing. "My mum is giving us the babies forever" Alex exclaimed. I almost choked on my own spit. "How do you just forget things like that?!" I yelled. "Must've just slipped my mind" Alex said poking his finger in the side of his forehead. "They're your side of the families babies not mine" I said to Alex. "I can't take care of them myself" Alex said. "Maybe you should stop going to the pub everynight then" I remarked sassily. Alex laughed fakely. 

****TIME SKIP TO 22:00****

Alex was getting in bed and Jimin was sleeping on the couch. "I have to sleep with Alex, so I'll see you in the morning" I said to Jimin while hugging him. "Okay night night" Jimin said cutely. I lauged and went to bed with Alex. I felt Alex's arms around my waist. I slapped his hands and moved away from him a little bit more. It had been 45 minutes and I couldn't get asleep knowing that an abusive boyfriend is right next to me. I can hear him snoring so he must be asleep. I quietly snook out and into the living room and I saw Jimin on his phone. "Jimin?" I said quietly. "Can I sleep with you?" I asked. He nodded and opened the blanket motioning for me to get in. I got in beside him quietly. "I couldn't sleep knowing that he was by me so I thought I'd join you." I said snuggling into Jimin's chest. He slid his arm underneath me and held my waist pulling me a bit closer to him. He turned his phone off and put it on the side. "Goodnight, again" he said. I laughed. "Goodnight" I replied grinning. I then felt a pair of soft lips on my forehead. I then kissed his cheek.But little did I know, someone was watching the whole time...

Stuck (Bts X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें