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Andie's POV

"Oh shit" I groaned as I squint my eyes at the screen. School starts in 20 minutes. Way to go in making good first impressions Andie. I picked something casual but not too slaggy: Pair of ripped jeans, a tank top and a low top converse. I threw them on and rush downstairs, grabbed a toast and my keys and kiss mom a quick goodbye kiss.
"Have fun on your first day at school sweetie!"
"Thanks ma" I yell back as i drove off.

"5 minutes early, thank god" I said as i parked in the school parking lot. I looked around and it suddenly hits me that everything is completely new. This school has just been opened and most of the students that go here don't know each other. Well that sure as hell makes it less awkward. After the assembly students make their way to their first classes.
"Hmmm what do I have? Enlish 2B3" I absentmindedly ask and answer myself.
The school is really big, it takes me about 5 minutes just to walk from the hall to 2nd Block.
I enter the class to see just a few students standing there wondering where to sit and who to sit with. The teacher isn't here yet. We wait for about 3 minutes until the teacher comes, everyone has already arrived. 

"Sorry class for being late for your first English class. I am Ms Anderson. As I can see and everyone have already known, we are all strangers. I am giving you this period to break the ice, chop chop to it!" She chuckles and walks to her desk.

Ms Anderson is really pretty and judging by her tone I can tell she's very nice too.
A person taps my shoulder, as i turn around, a girl with big brown eyes and pale skin is smiling at me:
"Hi! I'm Ellie. Care if i be your desk buddy?" She giggles.
"Yeah, sure. I'm Andie by the way" I smiled back.
"Where do you want to sit?" Ellie asked.
"Honestly I don't really mind sitting anywhere."
"Okay then let's sit at the middle back"
"Middle back?" I chuckle
"Yeah, like the part that is usually considered in the middle, but it's THE BACK" she laughed.
"Alright then, let's pick two middle back seats" I chuckle
We looked around and see two seats that match our wish.
"Over there" I elbow Ellie
We make our way to our seats and unpack.
"You're into making new friends?" I grin.
"Yeah, I'm just scanning around for cute boys" Ellie laugh. "I mean i'm not that type of girls but HOLY SHIT" Ellie's eyes widen as she elbow me a hard one.
"What what?" I look around, still confuse of what Ellie's on about.
Ellie turn facing the front, turning my body at the same time too, she whisper: "Behind us is very cute guy, the one one the left, sits right behind your seat. NO DON'T TURN AROUND YOU DUMBASS, wait till we're done whispering." 
We act cool and I turn around to have a peek at this "cute guy" Ellie was on about.
He is cute.
His hair is dark brown, perfectly messed up, his tan skin matches perfectly with his brown eyes. His body is perfectly built. I have to admit he is very good looking.
I give Ellie a smirk saying i agree with her. She grin back.
I said softly: "So ya planning on making friend with this guy?"
"Duh" she said as if I ask a random question.
"Ding". Somebody messeges me. I check my phone and it says Daddy. I read the messege and my eyes widen. Ellie catch me and ask: "What's that about?"
"Well my dad basically gave me a headsup about his coworker's son. They are really close friends and he seems very nice, i met him once, but not his son. It seems that his son goes to this school as well. His name is Jax" I explain.
"Jax" Ellie says while thinking "That's a unique name" she comments.
"Yeahhh.. I think I'll try to catch up with him, it means a lot to my dad" I let out a small sigh.
"Sigh whatever you want, don't come smiling to me when you find out he's an absolute hottie" Ellie smirks.
I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Alright class, please all take a seat so i could go through the roll" Ms Anderson says.
We both sit down as she goes through the roll.
"Aaron" "Present"
"Adam" "Present"
"Adrien", Ms Anderson called out.
A deep, voice behind us replies, giving me sudden goosebumps.
So his name's Adrien.
I feel an elbow hitting me.
"Oh uh present" I stammered.
There were little laughs and giggling.
"Pay attention next time, okay Ms Smith?"
"Yes Ms Anderson" i feel my face turn red.
The roll isn't that long, but it feels like ages. Then a name smacks me back to reality.
I look at Ellie and she is almost as shocked at I am.
"Present" A deep, sexy voice replies, this time gives me shivers.
We both turn to the person.
I scream inside.
He is tall, hazel color hair that looks uncombed but still perfectly fine. His tan skin matches with his green eyes. He's too perfect to be true.
"Damn" I mouth Ellie.
She shakes her head, mouthing back : "Not my type" but continues: "I told ya so"
But i don't care. I'm too busy looking at Jax. His side profile is perfect, his jawline is sharp and sloped up to his ears. His hair was messed up and is occaisionally pushed backwards. Oh God.
The rest of the period was a blur. My mind kept sweeping back to the two guys, Adrien and Jax. Especially Jax.
When the bell rings, we make our way to our next class, History. Ellie and I still have the same class. History goes through pretty fast, as I have never had any interest in what people did in the past. It's recess already. Ellie wants to grab a snack but im dying to go to the toilet. We seperate and I head towards the toilets. As im walking I feel a slight tap on the shoulder, I turn around and get instantly lost in those green eyes. It's Jax.
"Uhm.. hey..hi" Jax stammers.
"Hi" i smile
Jax shifts a bit and continue:
"You're Andie"
"Yep that's me" I chuckle and continued: "You must be Jax, Dave's son?"
He seems surprised and is clearly caught off guards. But he quickly smiles and says shyly:
"Well, yeah. It's nice to meet you, my dad's been talking a lot about you. Maybe we could hang out sometimes?"
"Sure I'd like to" I grin.
"Uhm.. Great. I gotta go, nice talking to you." He shifts again and smiles.
Damn that smile. It was a sexy half smile which leaves a slight dimple on his left cheek. Argh.
"Uhm.. Bye Andie?"
"Oh. Yeah. Sorry i zoned out. Nice talking to you too Jax. See you later." I blush a bit and smile.
"Bye" Jax waves and walks away.


Were we really bestfriends? حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن