Chapter 1

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"I don't care what you think!" My yelling could be heard throughout the whole house. I had told my parents my dream, my dream of being a performer. I knew basic things, too! Of course, they didn't know that and didn't need to know that.

I could do a handstand, cart-wheel, backflip, frontflip. Anything basic I could do in my room, I knew. I had even bought a magic kit and would study it as if my life depended on it, and it did! Well...not my entire life, but my dreams, and dreams are what shape life! 

"We won't allow it! What even gave you that kind of idea? We took you to a circus once and you weren't performing, but still got hurt." My mom argued, my dad, nodding in agreement by her side. I shut my eyes and fought back small tears. "Well, I don't need you!" I yelled. I ran into the kitchen, my mom and dad rushing behind me, and grabbed four knives. 

"See? I don't need you and I can follow my dreams of being a performer!" I smiled, tears making my vision blurry. 'This is a bad idea, you can't see well crying.' 

I threw the knives up and with an exhale, began to juggle. I caught the knives but would catch the blades with the tears taking my view. I knew my hands were bleeding and I couldn't stand the pain. I heard my mom and dad telling me to stop. I dropped the knives and starred at my hands. I looked at them. My mom had her hand over her mouth, my dad had his hand on her shoulder.

"G-go to your room!" My mom yelled. I couldn't help but smile. "Okay, but next time I perform, the tears will only be in your eyes. Your eyes because you thought I couldn't make it." I smirked and grabbed a paper towel, then walked to my room. I opened my door with my elbow; I couldn't stand any more pain on my hands. I balled up the paper towel and threw it down on the floor. 

"I'll be the best performer in the world." I closed my eyes and whispered. I remembered that day at the circus perfectly. It was perfect, everything was perfect, until the trip. I remember seeing the story on the news. I would be interviewed, my mom and dad sued the circus, worst of all, the circus went out of business, or that's what was said. The day I got out of the hospital, I started doing a secret research project on the circus.

The research was easy at first. Wolf Circus was all over the news, in newspapers, there would be online storytimes about how "I was at the circus where the girl was! I saw the knife fall directly on her! It looked as if the boy aimed it at her!", but those were all lies. If they had seen it, they would have known that was not the case. I was protecting a little girl.

I also found out the name's of the circus members, a little of there lives also. Popee was the little boy, the boy I dreamed to be. I was right about his age, too, he's two years older than me. The wolf's name was Kedamono. There wasn't much about the wolf, but he was probably just the main attraction and family pet, even if it was a wolf. Popee's father and mother were the owners of the circus. He also had a little sister that was three years younger than him. She was too young to perform and her mother was watching her at home. They were never to blame for what happened.

After the case died down, the information I could find was limited. Months after the case I found out that Popee's father and mother had split up. The mother had left the circus and so did Popee or his sister. I never found out which one. I always hoped that it wouldn't be Popee. At twelve he was incredible, all I can think about is how good would he be now? He should be seventeen now because I'm only fifteen. 

Sometimes I will lay in bed and look up the circus. All I would ever find would be twisted horror stories on how "After the boy dug the knife into the girl's skin, it gave him a twisted pleasure," or "From that day on, he murdered all the little girls that didn't like his act." Reading the stories I would feel sick. I would hate myself for making people consider that this boy was insane. 

One night, I was looking online for pictures. Of Popee. His sister. The wolf. Anything I could find of the circus. Once, I found a picture of an old, torn poster. It read,

'Come see the greatest family circus you could ever dream of! A small boy, only at the age of twelve will tame a wolf, perform impressive flips, and juggle knives! Come to Wolf Circus today!'

', and juggle knives!'

I screenshotted the poster. When my parents left the house one morning, I printed out the poster. I folded it and glued it into a notebook. I had a particular notebook that I would write my dreams of the circus in. I would write down the tricks on perfect juggling, how to keep my legs straight when doing a handstand, pictures of the old members, and most importantly, pages full of the words, "It's your dream." in the same pink as Popee's hat. 

I have plans tonight though. I can't do much research before I leave. 

If my parents know I will follow my dream, I need to run away and catch them before they can start the chase.

Popee x Reader - Running From Scarsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن