Part three

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(Sorry for making you wait so long, things has happen)

Part three~

Mana let's out a happy sigh and sits down next to me.

"Saku, do you want to tell me how you feel? I love you, and I want you to trust me, because you are my daughter, so I can't stand to see you so sad."

Well, he is surely gonna beg me to tell him until I do it, but it doesn't have to be that bad to tell him.

"Hmm, well.. It's so hard to explain."

"Can you at least try?"

I have never ever spoken about my feelings for anyone, so I am not used to talk about it.

"Well, that moment, when my mum closed her eyes and stopped breathing, it was the most terrible feeling ever. Like, think that you are standing by a cliff, and you see someone almost falling over the edge. You are far away from him, but you run towards to stop him from falling. But you are too late, he falls over and you have to watch him reach the ground and die. But you TRIED to save him, but when my mum died, I didn't even tried, I could maybe have done at least something, but I didn't. I didn't try, that is what I regret so so so extremely bad."

I can feel the tears boiling up in my eyes, and I can't keep them from falling.

"That moment, when I saw her die is often repeated in my mind. And she was my mum! She died, because I kept her attention of the road when she was driving, it was my fault, only my fault! She died because of me!"

I start to cry harder and I hide my head in my hands.

That was true, I was talking to her about my 'bad' grades in school and she tried to tell me how good they actually was, and she was looking at me and she didn't see that a truck came towards us.

"Oh honey, don't cry, don't cry please." Mana says and hugs me tight.

I let him hug me, I do not resist. I haven't been touched like this for a very long time, it did actually feel good to be hugged again.

"I want dad to come home, and I don't want him to hate me." I softly cry on Manas shoulder.

"He doesn't hate you Saku, he loves you more than anything else, what he did was just wrong."

I don't answer. I don't have anything to say, I can just cry right now.

We stay like that for a while until I have stopped cry.

Manas POV~

"So, what about some shopping now?" I ask Saku.

She wipes some tears away from her eyes.

"Yes dad.."

That warmed my heart.

"Aww, Saku I love you." I say and hug her.

It makes me happy that she doesn't resist my hugs anymore.

I feel more accepted of her now, but it took time, and now I really understand why.

To be continued..

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