Ch. 36

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The wind pulled in heavy patterns kicking up the limbs and spreading leaves. They whipped and danced to a song you only heard in the quiet of the woods and the stillness around you. It was the song before the storm. People often though that things got quiet before storms but they were wrong. Deep in the woods you heard the song of life battening down the hatches. There was a storm coming and it'd likely start soon. There were no walkers. He heard no groans on the winds and or the snapping of branches to signal their clumsy walking. No just the wind and with it the knowledge that the seasons were again changing.

Things really changed in a years time. Merle was with them now and he was like a solid wall banking and committing to bedrock. He didn't budge once his mind was set. He'd made the comment about how he'd checked Jay's for them when he'd finally came down off his drug induced stupor but it was to early and the second time around too late. Merle's mood changed like the seasons as well. Sometimes they came in like a lion and went out like a lamb or the other way around; you never knew. This was something that held on though. He'd clung to this idea for a month. By that time he'd already talked to Mac and had his ass agreeing and then him and Kira were left to deal with two sulking over grown children. A year here and still they were working. Today was it though and then they could breathe easy.

"You going to come down?"

Daryl's eyes swung around to her watching Kira below him. The wind caught her hair tangling leaves in the long raven locks and she smiled up at him. She was beautiful and despite her start she was just as made for this world as they were. They didn't come from happy homes or cherishable memories. They came from pain and rot to thrive in a world that dealt that to the weak and the strong climbed and devoured this world already knowing how to handle it all. Thrived. That was what Merle said they were doing and Mac was inclined to agree. Daryl, well he believed they weren't surviving anymore but living. For the first time in his life it wasn't about just making it but watching the leaves fall and knowing that the first snow would be soon.

Daryl swung down from the tree and a loud whoop in the distance made Kira smile. "Think they're done."

Daryl grunted something and she elbowed him. "Wasn't much left to do."

Kira nodded and they walked toward the house. Mac been apprehensive to come back here after the shit with Shane. Daryl though knew that she wasn't some frail doe eyed little girl who needed to be coddled. For as rough as Mac could be with her sometimes he was just as sweet. It amused Daryl.

"I want a hot shower." Kira sighed.

Daryl eyeballed her and she smiled at him. Even after the time they'd been together almost from the start his longing for her never dimmed. It only grew and he knew he loved her. Kira linked her arm through his and pulled him towards the house.

"Now admittedly I'm not the best cook but I did make something. I figured Mac and Merle would be hungry after working today. Also after you being on watch that you'd want something warm."

Daryl nodded jerkily and stepped through the door. They were back at Jays. The decision to leave the group came after Kira threatened to decapitate Andrea. He thought she over reacted and telling her as much got him slapped in the mouth and then Mac. He could overlook getting hit just because the stunned look on Mac's face was beautiful. After that Merle had his foot in the door and the decision was final.

Rick knew where they were as did Hershel and the others. Glenn wanted to come back here as did Maggie. Daryl had no issues with it because it was better than the prison. You had heat, water, the old coal stoves and wood stoves. The irrigation was set and the water was coming from three different wells. Jay worked hard over the years on this place and it was a good set up now. Hershel though was adamant to stay with the group and Maggie didn't want to leave her family.

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