"No." He laughs, kissing my nose. I let go and change into my stuff, of course, Tyler watching and grinning the whole time as I make it quick.

"Creeper." I say, walking by and putting my pajamas in my dirty clothes pile.

"Do you blame me?" He laughs, gently smacking my butt as I walk by again and into the bathroom.

"Your hair looks cute." I tell Mikayla, grabbing my toothbrush as she curls her hair.


I put my hair into a ponytail and put on a light amount of makeup. A knock at the door makes Mikayla rush to finish up and quickly go answer it. I walk out and sit on Tyler's lap, as he probably wanted me to anyways as he wrapped his arms around my waist beforehand.

"Mark, this is Tyler. Tyler, this is Mark." Mikayla says, dragging Mark into the room. Tyler and him exchange hand shakes as Mark looks at me.

"Tyler Seguin, huh?" Mark nods at Tyler.

"Yes I am." Tyler answers hesitantly.

"Glad to see you're down here with her now, that party-"

"Yeah, I heard all about it." Tyler stops him.

"Well we should get going, nice meeting you, and Meghan, take care." Mark waves as he drags Mikayla along, shutting the door behind them. Tyler rolls us over so he's looking down at me.

"What?" I ask, looking up at him. He grins before pressing his lips to mine.

"This bikini is driving me insane." He says, looking down at my chest, biting his lip.

"Stop it." I laugh, swatting his chest.

"Stop what?"

"Biting your lip." I say. He grins and does it again. Him doing that is making me weak, it's so cute, but yet so hot. He laughs as I bring his face down to mine, pressing my lips against his, his tongue allowing access through.

"Before the day and night are over, this thing is coming off." He says, poking me between my boobs before crawling off. He pulls another shirt out of his suitcase and throws it at me.

"Why do I need this?" I ask.

"Put it on and let's go." He says. I pull the tank top over my head. It's obviously a little bigger on me, but it works as a cover up. He grabs my hand as we head out the door. We go down to the beach where there's quite a few people. We walk along side the water, swinging our joined hands back and forth as we walk.

"It's much better with you down here." I say.

"Anything that involves you for me is always better." He smiles, making me grin.

"Oh stop it." I bump myself against him.

"It's the honest truth." He bumps me back.

"You're too good, now stop."

"It's not okay to tell the truth about being with my girlfriend is one of if not the best things for me?" He kicks his feet through the water.

"I guess it's okay, but I don't like being on a pedestal in your life." I say, making him stop in his tracks.

"You think I'm putting you on a pedestal?" He looks at me funny. I shyly nod my head.

"It seems it sometimes, like you make me feel so important to you above most things that should be more important than just a girlfriend."

"Babe, my family and you are the most important things to me, don't tell me anything else should be any more important then that."

"But what about hockey? That's your career, a big and important career at that."

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