The fun side of science......sort of

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Sam had only been working in the nuclear research section of the science facility in Boston for a few weeks now and he was fairly certain something was up. His two superiors for example would always sneak off together during lunch  to perform some strange unknown task which at a nuclear research facility was incredibly suspicious. Another thing that worried him was that nobody found this behavior even slightly odd. So he made the mistake of sticking his nose in someone else’s  business.

One Monday evening at lunch he tailed the duo to a small storage room. “Damn it John, I’ve told you, not so hard” said a voice coming from the small room. “ Well I wouldn’t have to if you were just a little bit more active every time we do this” replied a second voice. Sam slowly began to back away having a vague idea of what was going on in storage room number 12. That’s when one of the scientists came(poor choice of words, I know) tumbling out of the room, thankfully with all his clothes on holding a small plastic packet with some strange glowing goo inside. “Yes?” said Dr John staring at the very confused Sam. “I uhmm uhh was just uh wondering what you two were doing in the uhh you know….storage” said Sam nervously instantly regretting the question. “Why isn’t it obvious?”

“Yes i-yes absolutely, I will be on my way then” said Sam trying to get away

“would you like to join us” said the doctor

“no thanks I’m good” said Sam slowly walking away

“nonsense” said the doctor handing him a packet, “try some, just open it, it feels great.”


“just open it. When I first opened my first was amazing”

“are these…are these drugs?

“no, why of course not my boy. Just try opening it”

Just then a second head popped out of the room, this one belonging to Dr Asaad. “opening your first packet? Go on then try it.”

“I ..alright” said Sam nervously, he slowly opened the packet. “oh my god you guys are right!” he said. He felt nothing but he was absolutely terrified at this point.

“now try a bite” the two scientists said in unison

“I’m..sorry..what is this stuff?”

”why its…we uhmm we have no idea, but it tastes amazing”

“you two mean to tell me you’ve been eating an unidentified substance from a storage facility in a BLOODDY NUCLEAR RESEARCH FACILITY. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?”

“yes….no not really” said the doctors “ well we have been having it for twenty years and we’re fine”

They were not in fact, fine

“I don’t think I want to work here anymore..”

“you would if you tried this stuff man”

“no thanks …I’m good..I’m going to go”

Curiously enough Sam did not show up for work the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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