Chapter 9 Professor Madness

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Summer passed and it was, once again, time for the students of Hogwarts to purchase their new school books and supplies for the up and coming school term. Three days before they were to ride the Hogwarts Express, Severus and Ellenore walked together through Diagon Alley, popping into shop after shop. It turned out that Amiri, the Guide elf, had a rather interesting ability. When leading Ellenore through crowded areas she would surround both her mistress and her father with an invisible barrier that would gently push anyone or anything out of their path.

Severus went into the apothecary to purchase the supplies that Ellenore would need for fourth year potions, while Ellenore went into Flourish and Blots to acquire the needed text books for her year. The book store was pure and utter madness. People seemed to be in some sort of line that led to a singular place. Ellenore was about to have Amiri lead her into the queue of people when she heard Draco calling her name.

“Ellenore, trust me when I say that you don’t want to jump into that queue. It’s not worth the trouble. The only ones in that line are housewives and twittering Gilderoy Lockhart fans,” he said as he grasped her arm, forgetting about the guide elf’s protective nature. He found that he was not able to grasp any part of his friend. “What the…?” uttered Draco as Amiri put herself between him and Ellenore.

“Forbidden it is for Amiri to allow anyone to touch the Mistress when Mistress is not with her father.” announced Amiri as she wagged her long, fragile-looking finger at Draco menacingly.

“It’s Ok, Amiri, you know that Draco is a friend. Daddy only wants you to protect me from people who are not my friends.” announced Ellenore with a slight smile on her face. Amiri stepped back and grasped Ellenore’s hand.

“Mistress is certain that Master Snape will not punish Amiri?” she asked.

“Positive, Amiri, let’s follow Draco somewhere where that long line will be out of our way.” Amiri led Ellenore over to a quiet spot in the book store.

“So, Elly, I suppose that you need your books.” said Draco as he sat down beside her.

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. However, this crowd is maddening. Amiri I have a mission for you.” said Ellenore as she withdrew the fourth year supply list from a pocket in her robes.

“I want you to go to the shop owner, hand him this note and my list then wait until he gives you my books. When you have my books, return here with them and we will go and meet daddy at Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions”. Amiri took the envelope, and the list from her mistress, bowed and scurried away quickly.

When Amiri found the shop owner she cleared her throat and handed him the envelope and list. The shop owner glared down at the strangely dressed house elf, ripped open the letter and began to read.

To the owner of Flourish and Blotts,

Please be so kind as to give my guide elf the required books for fourth year students. I will also need a new set of blank journals. I would also like for you to please entrust the package that I ordered to my elf. I believe that the galleons enclosed should be enough to cover the cost of everything.


Ellenore Eileen Snape

Daughter of Professor Severus T. Snape.

The shop owner removed a package from under the counter then used a summoning charm to collect the required books. He then handed them down to the elf and waved her away as a gaggle of students came through the door. Amiri apparated back to her mistress’s side with the books and the list and handed them to her mistress.

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