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The girl sat next to her doll as the camera's timer counted down. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6...

"Smile," her doll said as a forced, sharp grin spread across its cracked porcelain face as it took the little girl's hand.

The girl smiled with all the happiness an 8-year-old could possibly possess, and stared straight at the camera lens. Click.

"I wish mommy and daddy were here to see us so happy. I'm sure they would have been happy too."

"But then we wouldn't be as happy as we are now, would we Alicia?" the doll said. Its neck creaked with a scraping noise as it tilted its head to one side. "You don't need mommy and daddy. You have me, and that's all you need."

The little girl picked up the doll and smiled at it, but this smile was different. This smile was sinister, and she said to the doll "Let's go get mommy and daddy out of here before they start to stink."

1 Day Earlier...

"Alicia! Honey! Why don't you help mommy and bring some of these boxes down to the cellar? Afterward we can have lunch and start unpacking your new room!" Alicia's mother called.

"Okay mommy! I can't wait 'till daddy gets home! He'll be so happy that we unpacked our new house!" Alicia said with a smile. Her little brown curls bounced around her face as she skipped over to the box she needed to bring down to the basement. She carried the box out of the mud room, and made her way down to the end of the hall. The light was dimmer here, and the one light fixture next to the cellar door was flickering with a steady crackling noise. Alicia shifted the large box to her left arm as she reached to turn the door knob. She opened the door and was greeted by a skin-crawling breeze that blew her hair behind her. Alicia attempted a shrug, even though the hairs on her arms and the back of her neck were standing straight.

She shifted the box around in her arms to make it easier to hold while going down the stairs, and started down, shouldering the light switch as she went to no avail. She kept going anyway, her small feet trudging down the old wooden stairs. Each step creaked even worse than the other, the noise sliding into whines. The noises from the aged, rotting wood were like warnings not to go any further. Alicia reached the bottom of the steps and put the box in the middle of the bare concrete floor of her new basement. She turned back towards the staircase, but paused when something caught her eye.

A box, damp and falling apart on the far side of the cellar. If she had moved any faster she would have missed it.

"Alicia! You okay hun?" her mother called down the stairs.

"Yes mommy! It's just that there's a box down here... should we get it and bring it up?" Alicia asked.

Alicia heard her mother make her own way down the stairs, her feet pounding as loud as Alicias. "I don't see why not. Here, I'll grab it and you go upstairs and start unpacking the kitchen, 'kay?" she said with a smile.

"'Kay!" Alicia said, and bounded up the steps.

"So, tell me again, where did that doll come from?" Alicias father asked, taking time to observe the doll across the dining room table.

"We found it in the basement! Isn't she pretty? Can I keep her?" asked Alicia, hugging the doll closer to herself as she ate. The doll's long, straight brown hair moved little when Alicia hugged it tighter. Its light blue bell shaped dress was a little worn, but in a way like it was played with and loved from its former owner. It was a very nice doll until you really looked at its face. The doll had very clear, round piercing blue eyes, round rosy cheeks, and a smile. but the smile seemed to shift, as if it were growing or getting closer to a frown the more you watched it.

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