Coffee and Rings-5

Start from the beginning

And it was all because I lost my memories. And Jacob Black was the reason. You can tell that the sentence 'I hate him with a passion' is an understatement.

"We need to get out of here as soon as possible. Callie, pack the bags. Max, help Callie and Stella go stand guard with Ash in front of the hotel and take Kimberly with you," John ordered.

"Kimberly doesn't need a babysitter. Ash can protect her! ," Stella protested.

"Stella, she is helping us. Stop being immature and go. We don't have much time," John said slowly, his voice tuning stern.

She pursed her lips and blew a puff of air through her mouth."I still don't get why we run from them. We are supposed to fight against them!," Stella gritted out.

"Because, we are in a hotel surrounded by humans and we can't attack them unless they disturb them. You know the rules," Callie quipped up.

Rolling her eyes angrily, Stella stomped off. I got to work immediately, throwing the few clothes we had in the bags that weren't teared or atleast least damaged. The clothes looked like dirty rags instead of pieces of fabric that were meant to be worn. 

I took a peak at my other pair of shoes. It was tattered and smeared with what looked to be dog poop, and it also smelt like one. I scrunched up my nose slightly and sighed.

I don't even want to know how they brought it in here or where they even got this genius idea from.

 Looks like I was stuck with only a pair ; which I was wearing now. I honestly never had any luck with footwear anyway. It would end up teared or in the dirt, or I will somehow manage to lose a shoe or sometimes both. I was really more talented in losing shoes than in fighting, which by the way is kind of my job, or a responsiblity which I never signed up for.

'Maybe I am talented in the fields of sarcasm and making a fool out of myself too', I thought to myself, throwing the wasted shoes in the garbage with a frown. 

Rest in peace for you have served your purpose by saving my foot from thorns and what not from the streets.

Alright, I should really, reallt stop myself from making commentaries by myself even if it for self fun and by boredom. I think I am starting to go crazy.

How unfortunate for Kimberly to find her long-lost bestfriend just when he is going crazy.

I smiled with relief when I finished the job given to me. Touching Ash's boxers was not my favourite thing to do, let alone fold and pack it.

I zipped up the bag and slung it over my shoulders. I reached down and took the already ready bag which Callie packed and lifted it up, resting it near the other bag.

I walked to the door and looked over my shoulders, "Ready to go, children?"

The only answer I got was a bra thrown to my face which I luckily ducked.

I shrugged my shoulders. Oh, well, I will just get going then. Whistling to myself, I took the stairs two at  time. As I looked at the family portraits hanging on the walls - which were most probably of the owner of this hotel - I thought about my own.

Did I have a sister? It would be so cool to beat up some boys who messed with her. I should ask Kimberly this as soon as I see her.

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Turns out I didn't.

We left that hotel and were now in her car, moving closer and closer to my past as I sulked in a corner about not having a sister. I think I will just torture the boys who hit on Kimberly.

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