Chapter Two

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"Kathleen! How was it?" My mum greeted me at the door.

"Bye, Debbie! Thanks for having me ova!" I waved.

"No problem!" She waved shut the door.

"It was gear. Debbie introduced me into the Quarrymen." Mum shrugged.

"Mum, do we have any of their records?" I asked.

"Dad probably does."

"Mum can I go to see them?" I asked, getting in the car.

"Goodness, no."

"But muuuummm!" I wailed. "Please!"

"Ask ya fatha," was all she said. I scoffed. When we got home, I jumped out the car and ran inside, sloshing me sleeping bag around. I dropped them at the stairs and ran back outside nearly tripping on the stairs. "Kathy! Where do ya think yer going?" Mum asked as I zoomed by.

"We need eggs!" I said, rushing through the circle. Mum always told me to go around the circle once before continuing on into the cobblestones. I wasn't looking where I was going and ran into someone.

"Ay!" They said.

"Oh! I'm sorry..." I muttered getting up and brushing off me skirt.

"No, I'm sorry," the boy stood up. He was very skinny and had chocolate brown eyes. He had brown pompadour hair with light streaks in it. It seemed he was carrying a guitar, too. "I'm George Harrison," he said, holding out his hand.



I kept cool and shook his hand firmly. "I'm Kathleen Gardner..."

"Might wanna slow yer pace there," George warned with a chuckle. "Ye could hurt someone!" I nervously laughed. George picked up his guitar from the ground and we continued to walk. "Where ye headed?" He asked.

"A friend's house. I forgot me flats," I pointed to me bare feet.

"Ouch," he said. "I'm going to meet the boys."

"Boys?" I asked.

"The Quarrymen...?" He raised an eyebrow at me like, 'Ye don't know who we are? What is yer problem?'

"Oh! Right, right."

"Ye know, ye may like 'em. Paulie and Johnny are the main. I just play lead guitar."

"Don't be so glum 'bout it, George. Yer as important as the rest of 'em." I elbowed him in the side. He let out a little wince. "Oh.. Sorry."

"Where's yer friend's house?" George asked. I gave him a funny look.

"Why'd ye like to know, Mr. Curious?"

"Just wonderin."

"None of yer business," I replied.

"Oh yeah, that's makes so much sense..." George jokingly rolled his eyes. Soon, we arrived at the end of the circle.

"This is where we part," I said. "Nice meeting you, George Harrison."

"It was a pleasure, Kathleen Gardner. I'll see ye 'round." And with that, I bolted off, half because I had to and half because I had to hide me excitement

How was I gonna put it calmly that I JUST MET ONE OF THE QUARRYMEN???

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