Chapter 7

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Agreeing to watch a movie with Ashton was a bad idea. Why? Because the only movies he owns is horror movies. With Cory asleep I had nothing to do but to watch it. I absolutely hate horror movies they creep me out but Ashton apparently loves them, and says they are the only movies he will watch. The whole time I was watching the movie my face was in Ashton's chest and every time there was a scream I would jump and Ashton would laugh, not at me but the movie.

By the time the movie was over I was almost asleep. Cory was still asleep, how he slept though all the screaming and yelling I have no idea. Ashton was just looking at the blue screen of the Tv. I still had my face in his chest even though the movie was over.

I was about to move and look at him when someone barged in the room. "Ashton your dad wants you in his... oh is this a bad time?" Ashton moved a little but not very much. "No its just I think misty is asleep and I'm comfortable so I don't want to move." "Oh well your father has to tell you about the rogue..." He was cut off. "DON'T SAY IT." Ashton practically yelled in my ear so I flinched. I felt him move again. "Don't say it. I understand I will be there shortly." Then I heard the door close and nothing after that.

"Mist, are you awake?" I was going to answer when my phone rang on the night stand on Ashton's side of the bed. I lifted my head and looked at him and smiled. I reached for my phone but Ashton got to it before I did and he held it above his head so I. wouldn't reach it so instead of trying to get it since I was lazy, but mostly tiered, I just played on my stomach on Ashton's lap. "who is it?" I asked. "your aunt." once I heard that I got up off his lap so fast and tried to reach for my phone but I was sitting so I was still too short. I grabbed his arm and tried to pull it down but he put my phone in his other hand which was over the bed. I leaned over his lap and reached for my phone. getting tiered of this I smacked his arm. "Ashton give it. you don't understand I need to answer it, or I won't be able to come here again." I looked at him and gave him a pouting face. "pwease?" He smirked at me. "you have to give me a kiss first." I smirked and leaned in to give him a kiss.

He put my phone down on his bed and as I leaned in I reached for my phone. it had stopped ringing a while ago like when he smirked at me. I grabbed my phone and jumped off the bed ran to and out the door, down the hall. I heard him running after me. I stopped and looked for somewhere to hide. the first thing I saw was a coat closet, so I ran to the door, as I was running I turned off my scent my dad taught me how and it comes easy for me now. As I got to the door I opened it and jumped in shutting the door behind me.

I heard Ashton run by the door I was hiding behind. 'haha he fell for it, now time to call aunt Ariel back.' Before I could even think of dialing her number I got two texts at the same time. one from Alia, and the other was from Ashton. I opened Ashton's first.

Ashton: Where r u????

Me: haha you'll never find me. but if you must know... just kidding I won't tell you keep looking:)

Then I opened Alias text.

Alia: so um I think we need to have a shopping trip... when do you think we could make that possible??

Me: hm well we could do it Friday after school¡~>

I heard someone walk past the closet. I froze. When they continued past the door I got another text from Ashton.

Ashton: Mist can't you just give me a hint?? it would help a lot!

Me: Give you a hint??

Ashton: yes please ( puppy dog face)

Me: I'm hidden in plain sight, but if you don't look hard enough you won't find me. Did you look under every blanket, pillow, rock, tree, and closet?

I have a mate? (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora