New names and realizations

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Nobody else at the table really seemed to notice Keith's change in attitude but Lance noticed as soon as it happened. He sat tenser, his hands were in fist on his lap under the table, clenching and unclenching in uncertainty. His breathing was a bit heavier and sweat lightly covered his forehead. Lance reached under the table and placed his hand on top if Keith's, his thumb slowly rubbing circles on his knuckles. Slowly Keith released his hand and their fingers soon found home intertwined together. “Keith, everything is going to be okay. We got this.”

Everyone nodded and soon Keith found himself nodding too, he slowly tighten his fingers around Lances and pushed the notebook back to Shay with his free hand.

“Thanks for doing this for us, well me. You guys are honestly the best friends I could ask for. This means a lot to me you have no idea.” Lance smiled at his friends and Hunk wiped his eyes.

“Anything for you Lance! You're my best friend after all!” Hunk made a fist and stretched his arm across the table, Lance lifting his to give him a fist bump. Everyone as the table gave the two boys a slight chuckle, everyone except Katie. She was simply staring at her phone, her thumbs angrily gliding over her screen.

Shay turned towards Hunk and started asking him questions about where he wanted to to eat over the weekend and Keith excused himself to go grab some lunch. Lance looked at his friend, wondering what was going on inside her head. It wasn't normal for her to be angry, sure Lance didn't know what she was angry about but he could tell that something had gotten under her skin.  

“Katie? You okay?” Lance thought about touching her shoulder again but decided against the idea.

He watched the younger girl flinch at Lance and glare at her phone harder. “I'm fine.”

Lance felt as though he'd been slapped, her voice was cold and lack emotion. “Um, are you sure? You seem angry.”

Katie slammed her hand on the table, causing everyone to go quiet and Keith to sit back down with confusion etched on his face. “I'm fine, just drop it okay?!” Lance placed his hands in the air to signal defeat and Katie started to rub her temples. “Jeez I'm sorry Lance, I didn't mean to snap I'm just aggravated.”

Everyone nodded in sympathy, Shay placing her hand on the younger girl's shoulder. “Do you want to tell us why? Or is it a secret? Don't feel obligated too.”

Lance watched the younger girl lean into what's touch and take a few shaky breaths. “I wanna tell you guys, I really do but I'm scared of how you will react. My mom didn't react the best at first.”

Lance could feel the atmosphere in the cafeteria change and he balled his hands up. She's going to come out, but as what? He recognized this change, it was a slight change but ever since his sister he had found himself recognizing it all over the place. “Katie, you can tell us if you want. We will still love you.” Lance wasn't sure where those words came from but he could see Katie relax under them.

The entire lunch table was silent as they anticipated what Katie might say. She was staring at the table for a few seconds before looking up at everyone. “I'm non binary.”

The Universe Put us Together For a ReasonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz