chapter 9

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James' POV

I couldn't bear to look at Katie's sad face and imagining that she had been hurt, breaks my heart. I really had to talk to her and there was only one way of doing this.

I took out a slip of paper and wrote a note of detention.

"Ms. Wilson." I called her name and she stood up.

I went to her and handed her the slip detention. Her already sad face became even more sad and my heart shattered at this sight.

*time passed*

The school was over and students were leaving. I was inside my classroom waiting for Katie. After sometime the door opened and I turned towards the door hoping that it was her. But my face fell when I saw another student. Just then I idea occured to me. I stopped the boy who came to take his notebook which he forgot and asked him to tell what happened in history class.

He narrated the whole incident and I was having goosebumps at his each and every word. The very idea of Katie being hurt in any way is just too unbearable to be true. He went after he was done.

After some time the door opened again and this time it was her. She came in with no change in her earlier expression and without taking a look at me, she quitely sat on her desk and opened her pencil case.

I went to her and said very gently.

"Katie, show me your hand."

I dont know what happened to her after that but her eyes were filled with horror and she started shouting.

"No!! Please!! No.. I will not forget anything next time... Please... Please dont hurt me."

I was shocked at her reaction. Did she got a flashback of what happened to her. Oh no, I didnt wanted to scare her.

"Katie... Please calm down. I am never ever going to hurt you and I wont let anyone hurt you, I promise."

Her hand caught my eyes and what I saw was the most horrible view. Her hand was badly bruised and swelled at many places. I closed my eyes not being able to see it anymore. Katie calmed down a bit. But it was not good. She needed to burst out, she needed to cry, she needed to shout, otherwise she would go to depression and I wont allow it. Not at any cost.

I hugged her tightly, she didn't protest. I felt her sobbing against my chest, her cries had started to get louder and louder.

Yes.. It was working.

I planted a gentle kiss in her forehead and she burst into tears while hugging me back. She cried very hard in my chest and I let her stay there while gently rubbing her back and saying soothing things to her. She didnt stopped crying at all and choking at times, I never left the hug, I knew she needed it. Then slowly her cries faded and her grip around me loosened. She lifted her head and I wiped away the tears from her red face. She choked again and I gave her some water from my bottle. I had missed her so much.

I took her hand and gently kissed at the bruised spots.

"It's Ok Katie, I promise you one thing, that no one will ever be able to hurt you as long as I am alive. Dont worry."

She nodded but didn't say anything.

"Now, if you can just give me a small smile then that will be so so so nice of you."

She smiled at my words and I was relieved.

The time of detention was up so I stood up to take my things and leave when Katie called me.

"Umm Mr. Edward,"


"Actually, everyday I go back home with my friend Megan, but I guess she would have already left, so I was thinking-"

"I'll be dropping you to your house today." I cut her off.

Katie's POV

He collected his bag and other things and motioned me to follow him. We came in the parking area, he unlocked the car and sat on the driver's seat and I took the palce at the passenger's seat. The drive was silent and I was feeling a bit nervous. I was tightly holding my bag against my chest and was staring out from the window, just then I felt a hand taking my bag away from me and in an instant it was thrown on the back seat. I gave Mr. Edward a questioning look.

"I have never been able to see you properly. Let me have a chance." He winked.

This man confuses me a lot. I mean I am the only student he looks at during the entire time when I am in the class and he still wants more. I rolled my eyes and heared a chuckle from him.

I saw us approaching my house and I comforted a bit, but it died when he drove past my house without stopping. I gasped which drew his attention.

"What are you trying to do? Kidnap me or something?" I asked him.

"That's not the point." He said casually.

I knew he was not going do any inappropriate thing with me but I still had some second thoughts.

"So what is the POINT?"
I asked emphasising on the word point.

"What you prefer more? Ice cream or chocolate?"

My eyes grew wide. I never asked him to take me out for a treat. To be honest ice cream and chocolate both are my weakness. How he manages to know it?

"I guess a chocolate flavoured ice cream will do."
He said after a long silence.

"But I never asked you for this?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Stupid. Do you remember how much you cried today. You sugar level would have been somewhere down in hell." He said, softly punching my head.

Surely he had a point, I was actually feeling very weak since that outburst. So I stayed quite. He smirked knowing that he had managed to convince me.

We reached near an ice cream van. He stopped his car and we got off. I waited for a while when he came back with two icecream cones.

After I finished I felt some icecream stains on my nose. If you are expecting him to clean it for me, then i'm afraid your expectations will bear no fruit. I cleaned it myself with my tissue. He was very busy with his icecream, eating it like a small child. I smiled at his innocent face.

After he was done. I asked him to drop me back to my house and he nodded.

The car ride was very silent. When we reached at my place I said goodbye to him and started to get off from the car when he grabbed my hand. I faced him, he looked serious, something was in his mind. He spoke after a few seconds.

"Can we be friends, Katie?"

I was confused at this question, I don't know why either. I mean its a simple question, but it seemed like I was at the loss of words.

"I thought that I should start everything from zeroth level and not rush into anything but if you-"

"Yes! We can be friends"
I cut him off. I even surprised myself, it seems like my mouth was no longer under my control. But at that time i didnt regret it.

His tensed body seemed to ease at my response. He smiled and drove off. I went inside my house.


A/n: i deserve a thanks for not leaving you on a cliff.


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