chapter 7

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when caroline and came back from our walk we were met by elijah "the boy in the living room wish to talk to you stefan" he said "ok thanks elijah" i said i  went into the living room to see jeremy there "jer what up" i asked him "oh nothing much stefan i just came over to see how are you doing and to see if you wanted to come out tonight but i see you have a house guest so i guess thats a no" he said "oh no stefan can go out with you if he likes i'm not going to stop him" elijah said "elijah is right i can go out with you and i will" i said to him "see you in the grill at seven so stefan" he said "ya see you then jer" i said and he left "so who was that boy stefan" elijah asked i saw carolines face she looked worried "thats jeremy elena's kid brother" i said "and he still friendly with you even though you two broke up" he asked "yes elijah see it was elena who broke up with me left me heart broken and she left because she didnt like seeing me heart broken like i was and thats bascially it jermeny doesnt blame me for elena leaving he kinda happy about it cause jermey and i bonded when elena and i were together" i said "oh right at least he has a friend in you stefan" he said "i'm more like a brother to him than a friend elijah" i said his phone rang and he went to his room i'm guessing it's klaus caroline went up to stairs to the bathroom like she was going for a shower and was listening in on his coverstation she started the shower when he was finished elijah came down stair "where is caroline" he asked "oh she gone for a shower" i said "oh right is she going with you tonight" he asked "i dont you can ask her when she comes out of the shower" i said "ok i will how long have you two been together" he asked as he was sitting on the couch in front of me "only a few weeks" i said "oh wow thats all my brother klaus saw her in the street the other day and he is quite taken with her he wont be too happy to find out that you two are together but he will have to be a big boy and get over it" he said with a little laugh itt was six and i excused myself to get ready it took me twenty miuntes to get ready cause caroline came in and distracted me and unfortuanlly i had to pull away from her and get ready she texted me everything that elijah was talking to klaus about elijah telling klaus that elena is defentily not here and how he is staying with stefan while he is here that stefan offered him a place to stay and that damon is gone to find elena to tell her how he feels about her and how he wants them to hang out for abit to see will they go any further than being friends and after that klaus told him how he saw a beautiful blonde vampire the other day on the streets while he was walking and elijah said that he could get a picture of the blonde vampire after that we went down stairs "oh caroline can i take your picture please" elijah asked with a small smile on his face "of course you can" she said he took the picture and more and likely sent it to klaus cause his phone beeped soon afterwards and "are you going out with Stefan tonight caroline" elijah asked "no i'm not i'm going to see a friend tonight while Stefan and Jeremy have a guys night Elijah" she said "oh OK" Elijah said "why did you say oh OK Elijah" Caroline asked "oh no reason i was hoping for us to have a chat that's all Caroline" he said "maybe tomorrow elijah" Caroline said with that Caroline gave me a kiss on the lips and left and i said goodbye to Elijah and went to meet Jeremy  

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