"Are you excited for tomorrow?"

"The party?"

I nodded.

"Yes. The amount of girls that do English and they are all spectacular and Alisha is that bait girl. I am excited. All the mandem are rolling. It's actually going to start from tonight. Pre-party vibes. A lot of guys are coming round including your brothers. Their gonna bring drinks and that."

"Should be fun."

He nodded staring at his phone.

"Avela can I tell you something? With all the respect in the world?"


"With all due respect, your body is nuts."


"Yeaah, but I'm a guy I can't lie. Your body is mad."

"You killed our friendship Idris."

"Nah can you allow it. My name is Owen."

"Not calling you that after you ambushed me."

"By telling you the truth?"

"Its okay. It's an alright body." I lied.

He gave me that "you a lie" look and I burst out laughing.

I knew my body was flames. My momma gave me the blueprint in my genes and for three years now I'd been going to the gym, eating right (sometimes) and doing my best to just be healthy. I was proud of my body. It didn't intimidate me when people would tell me that. I wasn't Bria Myles by a long shot by my body was well proportioned and I wasn't mad that I wore clothes and the clothes didn't wear me.

"You're chatting. I can tell you know you're flames".

"Stop winking at me. I don't want you IDRIS!".

"Don't worry, got my eye on a few ladies. You hungry?"

I nodded and he tapped a few icons on his phone.

"I'm going to order food. What you fancy?"

"Chinese." I said with no hesitation whatsoever.

He nodded in agreement and within a few minutes he'd placed an order. 

"Let's start the festivities."


"Nah it's nearly 5. If I know Alisha like I know Alisha she's not gonna be back soon. Their gonna get food and come back."

"Yeah but it's just going to be us two? What about your other house mates? Are they about?" 

"Dunno. You'll probably meet them tonight if you're not too waved by the time they come back." 

He got up to look through a cupboard I assumed was his. He rummaged through it and finally brought out a bottle of Hennessy.  I groaned looking at the bottle.I didn't usually drink. I was a bad drinker. I would get tipsy  and fall asleep. That would be end of my night. The other side of me drinking is a bravery that really can stand toe to toe with David in the bible. My mouth would be the source of contention when I was drinking. For those reasons, I rarely drank. I couldn't handle alcohol in any way but seeing as it was all festivities, I didn't mind so much.

"Hold on I'm coming back, gonna get my speakers." I nodded and he walked out. I looked around the tidy kitchen which didn't surprise me. As far as I was concerned Alisha could start a cleaning company. She was obsessively clean and I knew the tidy space was as a result of her obsession with cleanliness. Within a few minutes Owen (as I'd reluctantly given in to call him) was back his JBL bluetooth speakers.

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