Brace yourself!

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Okay, so, the world just ended, or whatever, and both my parents were hit in the explosion, and the aliens are coming to destroy the world soon. 


I don't care.

But, I was going to get my braces off tomorrow! I am so frustrated with this! Am I just going to have braces forever? No. 

I need to find an orthodontist. Somehow, I meet some new friends along the way. This kid with his glasses broken needs an whatever you call that person, this kid who is completely healthy, he just thought that it looked fun, and he constantly makes fun of us for having problems. (Add in other people here) 

Well. When we are walking along, we notice that everyone is off the streets, and don't know whats up. Looking around, there is a blueish light, and we start to go weightless. Soon, we end up in an alien spaceship, where they want to study us and find the most successful way to eliminate the species. But first, I ask, can I get one of your mouth doctors? And they want to know if this is some kind of human thing, and I say no just me and a few others, but my teeth have these metal things on them, and I need them removed with out damaging the teeth, and so the aliens take him to the alien mouth doctor, that should do. And then the other kid wants to see the eye doctor, and the aliens are confused at this point because like, why do they all have different problem?! the humans are so weird. And then the other people have problems, and so the aliens go back home. 

If someone could add more action, detail, and problems, that would be so fun to read. Thanks!

You can change whatever you want. Ex. Problems, Aliens, any genders, etc ... Please contact me if you want to use one of them, and what, if anything you changed, so I will be able to write how many we have below:

No one yet! Feel free!

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