"I'm okay, I'm sure it's nothing," I say dismissing his worries.

"No it's not, we should talk to someone-"

"What we need to worry about is Dowoon, not me. There are fans and paparazzi surrounding the hospital, and I still haven't heard back from the doctor. What if he isn't okay? What if he never gets his memory back? We need to go see him."

"Okay, okay. We will go see him today. I'm sure the doctor will have an explanation for not calling us yet," he runs his hand through my hair, "why don't I make you some breakfast and then we can go over?"

"I'm not hungry, I'll be fine. You can make yourself something to eat. I'm gonna take a shower quickly while you do that, and then we can go see him," I get up and wake to the bedroom.

"Babe, you should eat something," he says softly.

"I'm okay, I promise. I'm not hungry. I'm okay," I repeat.

I shut my bedroom door and grab clothes. I can tell he's worried about me, and that's because I think Y/n may have told him about the eating disorder I had when I was a teen. It stemmed from constant bullying at the hands of my peers in middle school. They would say I was fat and that I need to stop eating, they would torture me everyday about my "baby fat". They would even go as far as to send me coupons to weight loss programs. So I decided the only way to get them to stop is to give into what they were saying. I wouldn't eat the majority of the time, only when I was around people would I attempt to consume something. But even then, it was only a little, I mostly just pushed the food around my plate. I worked out everyday, causing the weight loss to show rapidly. My parents noticed and voiced their worries to me, but I dismissed them. I went from 140 pounds to less 100 within a span of a month. I became obsessed. It got so bad to the point where I was hospitalized and I had to be under observation at almost all times of the day for around two months. They wanted to make sure I was eating all of my meals and that I was getting better. I fully recovered from the anorexia, and have my eating habits regulated and normal again. I haven't ever thought about doing something like that again because I know it's wrong, but sometimes the decision is subconscious and you can't really control it. However I never intend to put myself through something like that again, it was the darkest time period of my life.

Once I gather all of my things, I head to the bathroom to shower. But just as I shut the door, Young K comes in. Before I say anything, he pulls me in a very tight hug, resting his head on my shoulder. "You know you can talk to me about anything right?" He asks.

"Yes, of course."

"I just don't want you to feel that you have to hide anything from me. If you are upset, I want you to come to me. I'm here for you always."

I squeeze him tighter and nuzzle my head into his chest, "I will."

He kisses me on the cheek and then pulls out of the hug, "okay, have a nice shower babe. I'll leave the door cracked in case you need anything."

He leaves the room, and shuts the door leaving only a little open. I turn on the water in the shower and then I take off my robe, revealing my bare body. I pull back the curtain to get in, but then I hear the door open. I turn to see Young K standing in the doorway, "mind if I help you?"


"That was reeeally nice," Young K says while drying himself off.

"You interrupted my precious showering time," I shout sarcastically from in the shower.

"Yeah but you liked it, you practically begged me to. You were shouting my name, 'Younghyun-ah'!" He jokingly moans.

"Aish! Stop saying that!" I yell at him.

"I'm actually not that hungry now, I think I've had enough to eat."

"Young K!"

"I'm just playing you, hurry up in that shower or you'll turn into a prune. We can leave when you're done," he leaves the bathroom and shuts the door.


I emerge from the bathroom around ten minutes later, and see him sitting at the table with my purse and my coat. He stands up and holds up my coat to help me put it on, and then gives me my purse. "We are going to stop and get something to eat on our way there, and you can't try to convince me otherwise. I'm going to buy you a nice juicy bacon cheeseburger with a large side of fries and a chocolate milkshake, and you are going to eat all of it," he says strongly.

I smile really big at him, and I feel myself blush. He opens the door for me, "after you my lady."

I walk out of the house and go over to the car, he locks the door behind him. We both get into the car and turn on the radio. We jam to some U2 and Maroon 5 at full volume on the way to McDonald's. When we pull into the drive-through orders our meals and the employee tells us that we will have to wait a few minutes for them to make it so we can park and they will bring it to us. We pull around the building and park the car. Young K rolls up his window and then looks over at me. "What?" I ask him.

"You're just so beautiful."

I look away from him, "You spoil me too much."

He unbuckles his seatbelt and leans over to me, "I think you are the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on."

I turn and kiss him on the lips, which makes him smile. He pushes my hair back and starts kissing my neck, but I stop him. "Hey! You already gave me enough hickies, people are going to think I broke my neck or something."

"There's always room for more," he goes to start kissing my neck again, but the employee knocks on the window with our food.

I laugh and he rolls down the window to grab the food. As he's talking to the employee, my phone starts ringing from within my purse. I grab it out and see that it's Y/n. "Hey best friend, what's up?" I say happily.

"I'm with Dowoon. Why didn't you tell me?"


Hey everyone! Sorry if this chapter was a little boring, I wanted to give some insight into Giyoung's life and what she was going through. This one was really a filler to help the main parts flow better. But I'll try to get another chapter out quicker, I'm gonna finish all of my projects and homework tonight so I have more time to write. I hope you guys liked it! Thank you for the support. ❤️

UnconditionalNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ