Introduction and Kaia Rose

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       {Just as a quick introduction, this is going to be a listing of the most updated version of my OC's backstories. They arent going to be perfect, and they are completely subject to constant changes, as my personal life, intrests, and thoughts on what these characters are change. When I'm done with this book, I probably will not say its "Complete" because I will probably add more in the future, but I might make a scenario book with them in the future. This book and the ideas for most of these characters are partially my ideas, but I credit the help in creating them and forming my confidence entirely to voidphobia, who has been an amazing person and someone I have known for years now. Go follow her and read her works when you can (or if you can), and overall, enjoy my cringey stories of depression ;D}

Kaia was just a normal child who lived the first year of her life rather blissfully with her parents. Her parents weren't considered rich in the slightest, and barely managed to pay their rent at times. This, seemingly insignificant issue, would lead to the insanity that this poor child, girl, and future woman would endure. 
     It was the girls first birthday, what should have been a day of bliss. However, the date was April 15th, which, in the area the she was born in, was known as tax day. The mother and father of the blissfully innocent child were devastated. They couldn't pay. They could barely throw their child a birthday party, much less pay their rent and taxes. They were stuck. However, they had to remain cheerful for their innocent baby girl, who had no idea the struggle they were facing. However, in the dark of night, after they had put their little girl to sleep, they suddenly heard a knock at the door. 
    The father tentatively answered the door, afraid for his wife and child, but having to be brave for the same reasons. Two, rather suspicious looking people were revealed on this dark spring night. "Hello?" The father said, clearly confused out of his mind. The rightmost figure spoke first, "Hello. We have heard about your...concerning monetary issues." Then the leftmost, "we would like to help you." The figures held out a briefcase, full of plenty of money for not only rent, but for them to live like royalty. "However, there must be a price" the rightmost proclaimed. "We would need your child in return" 
   The two, still fairly new, parents were flabbergasted. Could they give up their only child, just for their lives, and the lives of the future children they wanted to have to be better than ever before. 

                                                          ~ One Month Later ~ 

The child was no longer to be known as Kaia Rose, but as Project 1. She never would have an identity. She was only a project. Only an experiment. She wasn't even a toddler, yet she would soon learn how to hide everything from everyone, let in no one, and hide every emotion. She would incase herself in a bubble, if only to retain the remaining sanity she had left. She endured experiments daily, whether it was being injected with fluid that only god seemed to know what it did, or being shocked, beaten, and pushed to her limits to see "what would happen". She knew no happiness. She barely even knew its name. 
       In the years following, she would be subjected to a certain rather strange experiment, where she would be strapped to a table next to another girl, who seemed to be a good few years older than her. The scientists would then activate the giant machine, and a rush of pain would flood through her tiny, malnourished body. The girl next to her would scream. Then it would stop. It would all stop within a millisecond. She would be carted out of the room, but the second girl was never let out. Kaia wondered if they were okay. She never did see any of them again....
      Only one through those experiments lived. The usual routine happened, and the machine turned on, but instead of the usual pain, she felt an extrodinary amount of suffering, almost like stinging within her very soul. The other girl was in the middle of a ear-piercing scream, when she suddenly stopped. Kaia still didn't know what happened, but over the next month, she had learned that the process was a fusing process, and she now had a sister. That sister was known as Himika Rose. 
     On another topic, there was one scientist who she liked, and got to know well over the course of her years. Her name was Faye Winters. However, Kaia knew her as the only mother she ever truly had. The only mother who ever actually accepted her, loved her, and taught her everything she knew. But..we'll get to Miss Faye in a little bit. 
                                                      ~ 10 years after her first day~

   Kaia had now endured more than your average 11 year old could ever think of. She had been battered, brusied, experiemented on, mentally downed, but she lived. She was returned to her parents and met her little sister, Lillianna Rose. She thought her life could only get better than here, after all, her life couldn't get worse right? She had lived through the hard part and it was smooth sailing from here, right?


Tales of WeirdosOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora