Chapter Twenty Two

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"May I ask what it is you're going to do?"

Hades ran his fingers through the long, dark strands of his hair. "I want to give her the elixir, make her a demi-God, but she is distraught. She never wanted to come here and I don't think she even believes this is real still."

"Where is she now?"

"In her room, she hasn't left it since we talked. She only allows Winnie inside." It'd been a few hours since their meeting in his study, and she still hadn't surfaced from her bedchambers.

Her chambers were on the floor above his study, close to his private quarters that way he had direct access to her anytime he pleased, but only when she allowed him to.

"Unfortunate, but she will come around."

"What if she doesn't?" Hades asked before he could stop himself. He didn't feel the need to voice his opinions before, but he had no filter when it came to confiding in Hypnos.

"She is not Persephone, I think you know that."

"Don't." Hades warned. "Don't say her name." Persephone was the love of his life, the center of his world. There had been stories about the two of them that were written in books, carved in stone, and recited throughout the realms.

Now, those stories weren't spoken anymore and the books that documented their love had begun to collect dust in the libraries. His heart still hurt whenever he heard her name.

"Forgive me."

For a moment he forgot where he was. Too focused on the past and his former Queen, he had Hypnos in front of him visibly remorseful for the blatant mention of Persephone. "Hypnos, you are my closest and trusted friend, I encourage you to speak freely. I am the stubborn one for not wanting to hear it, please forgive me."

Hypnos nodded. "How about this, win her over to the idea of staying. You don't necessarily have to make her drink the elixir, but show her that this new life is worth it."


"What does she like?"

Hades smiled at the question. He knew her more than anymore. He'd watched her grow up and although he hadn't been able to stay for long, he was able to pick up on the little things. "A garden, she loves flowers."

Being so secluded all of her life; Alessa had been drawn to the outdoors. She enjoyed the freedom and the beauty of a plant. She simple enjoyed life. Hades smiled at the memory of the first time she was allotted time to be outside. He vowed to always make her smile and be happy.

That moment of content was quickly evaporated when he remembered her face as she yelled at him and whined about going home. "She called me the Devil."

"So? She called me that too. Hades, relax, she just isn't used to this yet. That's why you coax her, but don't push her."

Sometimes, he liked it when Hypnos was blunt. "I will."

"Speak of the Devil,"

Hades chuckled. Both of the Gods turned their attention in time to see Gemma storming through the door. Her strides were quick as she made her way to the front of Hades' desk.

"You've been here the whole time," Gemma huffed. "Have I displeased my grandson in some way that he has decided to avoid me?"

Hades wasn't avoided her, he just hadn't had time to see her because he'd been focused on accommodating Alessa's stay. "No I am not avoiding you, Gemma. Forgive me."

Gemma smiled at that. She'd around for a long time and the moment she was assigned to look after Hades, he'd been the center of her world. "Now that you're here, can you finally explain to me why you have a human in your realm?"

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