Chapter 39

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Hey little fighter,

soon things will be brighter. 


Seeing Han, Luke, and Leia proves to be the best distraction from Cecily's grim words. Nothing makes me happier than finally seeing Han's smile, hearing Luke's voice, and feeling Leia's hug after what feels like years. 

As they greet me and Cecily both, I have a nearly overwhelming sense of home rush through me.  For a brief instant, I marvel at how strange yet wonderful it is that these people are who make me feel at home. 

Everyone is hugging one another, and I let out a deep breath that I feel as if I've been holding for years. Its only been two days since I last saw any of them, but it feels like years. "Its so good to see you both," Leia tells us as we all break apart. "We weren't allowed to visit you in the medical wing; the nurses didn't want the recovery process to become interrupted, or something like that."

Luke nods. "I tried to sneak in there once, but they caught me. I almost got in trouble, but after they saw who I was, they let me off easy." he lifts his chin and crosses his arms, and I laugh at the look on his face. "Macho enough?" he asks.

"Quit that," Han laughs as he elbows Luke in the ribs. "We all know who the manly one is here." he wiggles his eyebrows and points at himself. He looks at me and my face grows warm. 

Luke shakes his head. "Wrong. It's neither one of us; its actually Ellie. She's made of way tougher stuff than we are." he's laughing super hard now, and I begin to laugh too. Everyone laughs for a bright few moments, but then we all quiet, and we're suddenly all looking around at each other. 

After a few more seconds of silence, Luke says, "You two did really well, back on Hoth." his voice is soft, low. 

Cecily and I look at him, then at each other. "Thanks," we both get out, turning back to Luke. "But you guys did good too. You all got the rest of the rebels out of the base." 

"Yeah, but we didn't hold up two doors against the Empire's greatest forces," Leia shakes her head in what seems to be awed disbelief. "That was incredible. How did you guys know it'd work?"

Nodding at me, Cecily replies, "It was Ellie's idea. I was terrified, but she came up with the plan. If it weren't for her, we'd be dead." 

I blush, feeling flattered. People praising me on what I do is something that I need to get used to. But I'm also rather irritated that I'm flattered. After all, it had been what I'd been supposed to do. I'd had to do it. The compliments and awe was appreciated, but I find it odd that I'm getting so much recognition for doing what any normal soldier would've sworn to do. 

That's just the point, though, isn't it? I'm not a normal soldier.

I don't really pay attention to the rest of the conversation; it quickly turns to another topic. For a moment, my mind is clear. Then I remember, on the day of the attack, Vader. Vader, talking in my head. Somehow.

Goosebumps rise up along my arms and I suppress a shiver. Cecily, I know, had also heard him. It was very concerning. I realize that no one but me and Cecily knows about Vader's telepathic speaking. Part of me wants to bring it up, but I get the feeling that'd be an unwise decision. 

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I swing back into the conversation, acting as if I'd been paying attention all along. 


Later that evening, when we're having dinner in our quarters (by now, me and Cecily have taken residence with the rest of our group), we get news on the rebel radio. Han, who's sitting closest to the radio, turns up the volume. We listen.

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