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Third POV

If it wasn't for his injury he received last week while running late for work, he could easily defend himself against them. Or at least that's what he thought. He smiled weakly one last time, glancing over at his hidden wife and daughter. His green eyes shimmered with hope of their survival. As he was seeing them for the last time, he took his one last breath.

His daughter whimpered in fear and just before her vision became blurry because of her tears, she saw one of two merciless creatures, that killed her father, look at her. Victoria held her daughter closer to herself as he took one slow step towards them. They could see blood dripping from his fingers next to Mark's lifeless body before he brought his fingers up to his lips and licked the blood off. He looked at them with his now red eyes, filled with hunger, as he stepped closer to them. Lorainne hid her face in her mum's shoulder as her mum held her small hand. 

Lora's POV

What are they? I'm scared. He's coming closer but I can't move. Is he going to hurt my mommy? 

He looked at me and took my hand away from my mum. My cheeks are wet from tears. He was just about to drag me away when I heard a high pitched scream. I felt my mum's arms wrap around my torso. 

She held me for dear life and tried her best to save me, "PLEASE, NOT HER!"

She kept her hold on me and whispered "Not her..."

He raised his eyebrow and let go of my wrist while looking at her skeptically. He turned away from me and stepped towards her when I felt a sharp pain in my neck. Right after that, everything went black.

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