"I'm too selfish; I need you too damn much." Don choked as he kissed her lips over and over. "What then, Darl?"

Meryl tried to keep it together. "He told me to clean up my mess; but I was in too much pain. I tried, but it hurt so much. He kept kicking me and pushing me down. You came in about half an hour later."

"I am so unbelievably sorry, my love." Don choked. "I knew I should have fucking killed him. I don't know what else to say. My God, he's fucking sick. I'm so sorry."

Meryl gripped his hand as another contraction took over. "You're taking care of me just like always. Please promise me you won't let him come between us."

"Never." Don choked as he crushed his lips to hers. "He's NEVER coming near you again; and neither is my fucking mother."

Meryl took a deep breath as she rubbed her belly. "She didn't cause this."

"Maybe not this; but she was a bitch to you when you were just trying to give her what she wanted." Don pressed his forehead to hers. "I'm so fucking done with them."


Don had his forehead pressed against Meryl's as he watched the monitor. "That's it, baby; you are almost through this contraction. You're doing so damn good."

"It hurts, Don." Meryl cried. "Fuck, this hurts."

Don smoothed back her damp hair. "I can't imagine; but you are handling it like the strongest woman in the world you are."

"Thank you for being with me." Meryl choked.

Don's heart hurt that she kept saying that. "You think I would miss pain causing my wife to hurl all kinds of curse words at me?"

"I wouldn't do that." Meryl tried to finally smile.

Don winked at her as he kissed her lips. "I'll remind you of that later."

"Meryl?" Jane bursting into the room.

Don immediately jumped up off his wife's bed. "Hell no! Get the fuck out!"

"Baby." Meryl choked.

Don shook his head as he turned to her and kissed her lips. "I'm taking care of it, love."

"Meryl, are you and the baby..." Jane tried to get closer to her daughter-in-law but Don wouldn't allow it.

Don stood between his wife and mother as he continued to hold his wife's hand. "Don't act like you care. You are why she's fucking here giving birth with a doctor she doesn't even know."

"Don, I didn't..." Jane began to say.

Don shook his head as he went over to his wife. "You pressured and manipulated her into having lunch at your house today. You were a bitch to her all through lunch. Then your husband who you continually stand by no matter what the fuck he's done to my family fucking kicks my pregnant wife who was SLEEPING in the back and pushes her to labor. THEN he wouldn't come and get me; and tried to make her clean up the puddle on the floor when she is in FUCKING labor. I wasn't there like I should have been because you wouldn't let me have someone else fix your god damn sculpture. When my wife needed me I wasn't there. So, how is this not your fault?"

"Baby." Meryl pulled on his hand until he was sitting next to her on the bed. "It is not your fault."

Jane tried to get close again. "I was just worried..."

"Get out." Don said now calmed down. "My wife is trying to bring our child, YOUR grandchild into the world, and she doesn't need this stress. Please, get out."

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