And Jewel.

"Woah woah Zion relax," Brandon spat coming to me quickly. He put his hand on my shoulder and my breathing was loud now. Rose came outside and she covered her mouth as I fell to my knees.

"Zion! What happened?" She asked worriedly. I handed her my phone and she looked through my messages. She clicked on the video and her eyes went wide closing it just as fast.

"Oh shit Zion. Fuck!" She yelled covering her face in frustration.

Brandon let go of me and looked at my phone as well. He clenched his eyes shut and put a hand on his head counting to himself.

"That was from the night at the club?" He asked calmly. I nodded quickly as my body went limp. I fell on my back and I felt dizzy.

I'm officially having a mental breakdown.

"Zion we need you to calm down please. You're having a panic attack," Rose cried as they kneeled down next to me.

"I need her," I managed to say and Brandon and Rose exchanged looks.


"I'm going to miss you babygirl," Edwin sighed as we walked hand in hand in the park.

"Trust that I'll miss you more," I laughed looking down.

"How are you gonna survive without me?" He asked pulling me in front of him, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'll replace you with food no worries. I'll eat my depression," I joked and he laughed with me. He kissed me randomly all over my face and we continued to walk. 

We saw a flee market in the distance and he pulled me to it. He saw an ice cream stand and we waited in line.

"Can I get two Oreo bit vanilla ice cream?" He asked and I smiled at him. He knows.

He paid for the ice creams and handed me mine. He bit into his ice cream leaving ice cream around his mouth. I laughed at him shaking my head and he gave me a questioning look. I grabbed his cheek and licked the ice cream off. He raised his eyebrow at me and I smirked.

My phone rang in my purse and I sighed deeply.

Me: Hello?

Rose: you need to come ASAP. It's Zion

And just by the tone of her voice I felt my heart drop instantly.

Me: be there soon.


We arrived at Zion's place and I saw Zion laid out on the sidewalk with the boys standing by him. Rose was kneeled next to him as well as Brandon.

"What the fuck?" I gasped and I quickly got out the car. I ran to Zion and saw him breathing unevenly. He was sweating insanely and he was croaking.

"What happened?" I asked throwing myself on the floor.

"He's having a severe panic attack and he asked for you. He's not calming down at all," Brandon sighed getting to his feet. Edwin kneeled down next to me and Zion opened his eyes at my voice.

"Zion. Look at me," I mumbled holding his face.

"Jewel," he croaked and I lifted his upper body laying him on my lap.

"It's ok. It's ok im here," I whispered brushing his hair. He burst into tears and gripped onto me hard.

"I'm so sorry Jewel. I ruined everything- I - im so sorry- for everything," he cried and my eyes widened at the guys. What is going on?

I rubbed his back and shushed him. "Zion relax. It's ok. Everything is going to be ok."

Rose wiped a tear that fell from her face and handed me his phone. With one hand I grabbed it and saw a conversation between him and Ana. I clicked on the video and my eyes widened.

"Fuck," I hissed and clenched my eyes shut. My heart started racing and I felt tears come to my eyes. "Oh God."

"What is it?" Edwin asked. He looked worried and slightly uncomfortable with the situation.

"Ana recorded them... and she wants money in two days," I replied.

"How much?" Nick asked.

"$5000," Brandon answered and Austin's mouth dropped.

Nick turned around and began pacing. Edwin got to his feet and walked to the curb. He kicked the trash can and starting yelling in Spanish.

"I'm sorry Jewel. You hate me don't you?" Zion cried. This kid was seriously having a major breakdown. I couldnt even be upset. I've never seen him like this.

"Zion I'm ok. We're ok. And we're going to fix this I promise," I whispered kissing the top of his head.

Edwin glared at us and shook his head, "This can't be happening."

"Can you chill?-"

"How Jewel?! This affects ALL of us. His rep is bad? ALL OF OUR REPS ARE BAD!" Edwin yelled and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Alright what you're gonna do is watch who the fuck you're talking to. That's one. Two, right now Zion is dead ass not even breathing correctly and he OBVIOUSLY feels bad like he's fucking crying!-"

"BRO! We told him to get his shit together multiple times! We can't have hoes! Why? They do shit like this! We can't trust just anyone and he messed around with a bitch that literally made his life hell like why the hell are you defending him?!" Edwin growled pacing back and forth. Nick and Austin went inside while Brandon approached Edwin. "Brandon dead ass don't touch me."

I stared at Edwin in shock and shook my head. "He's my best friend. And right now he's my main concern-"

"Yea I bet he is. I bet he usually is!" He laughed shaking his head. I clenched my eyes shut and took a deep breath. This isn't happening right now.

"Guys don't fight please," Zion croaked and I shushed him.

"Edwin. That's our brother and we need to stay calm and figure this out. I know it's frustrating but we'll figure it out as always," Brandon sighed and Edwin nodded slowly taking deep breaths.

"Alright. I lost it for a sec I'm sorry. Should I call Simon?" Edwin asked with a calmer tone.


What Happened? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora