Were has the time gone

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We were the best of friend

The kings of the jungle gym

We always had each others back

Even when the teacher yelled at us

The sand pit was lava

The sings were vines

The jungle gym was a forest

The teachers we Indians shooting arrows at us

But all that changed when you left

The lava turned to sand

The vines turned to swings

The forest turned to metal

The Indians turned to teachers who still hated me

You were my other half or so i thought

Life was bleak with out you 

What happened to friends forever

What happened to kids for life

Then you cam back

But you were difrent

You talked to girls more than you talked to me

The adventures we went on no longer interested you

The sand stayed sand

The swings no longer swung

The metal turned to rust

The teachers no longer remember me

I hope it was worth it in the end

You took the light from me 

Now I scurry to find it else were

I lie and cheat to hope some one will let me in

But I only get shadows of what once was.

The sand is gone

The swings are replaced

The metal turned to plastic

The teachers are gone

Were has the time gone

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