"OMG Dahyun! I never expected to see you here!"

"Yah Dahyunie sign my shirt!"

"Dubu can I take a photo with you!!? Jebaaaal!"

"Dahyunie, what can you say about the threats coming down on TWICE?"

"Dahyunie is he your boyfriend?! Omo omo you look so perfect!"

The last question made me turn red.

"A-ahm... no he's not. We're under a three year dating ban contract remember? He's just a friend and I asked him to accompany me today." I smiles to shake off my blush. I can feel Reiki very close to me.

Everyone around us were asking if they can take selcas with me which I gladly obliged.

"Hyung let's g---" I was cut off. Not because I was pushed accidentally. But because...

I kissed him accidentally. Shit. Shit. Shit. 😳😳😳😳😳

He was also shocked so I immediately pulled away.

"S-Sorry." I apologized and looked down.

"Yah! Who the hell pushed her! Be careful next time would ya!?" Reiki yelled.

I heard someone saying sorry from the crowd but I could pinpoint where it came from but I'm absolutely sure that someone apologized to him.

After the crowd cleared up, Reiki and I left the restau and went on with our date like nothing even happened.

"Geez can't believe he got my first kiss by accident." I quietly mumbled. Hoping that he wouldn't hear. To make sure I took a glance at him and he wasn't looking at me so I sighed in relief knowing that he didn't hear what I said.

The rest of the date went fine. We went to an arcade where I took home a huge Tofu plushy. We even dropped by at a TWICE store near the arcade. And we went to a lot of fun places too.

We were on our way home when a huge guy passed by us riding his motor bike. Wow he have a huge body. He's got the body of a quarterback. Not exaggerating, he seriously got the body of a QB. I can see Reiki looking at him as he vanished from our sight.

"You okay Hyung? Do you know him?"

"It's nothing. It's just that he looks familiar." He told me and we continued to walk home.


I saw a familiar figure passed by me and Dahyun on his motor bike.

Is that......

Nah there's no way that that idiot would be here. Or is there?

"You okay Hyung? Do you know him?" A human Tofu--- I mean Dahyun asked me.

"It's nothing. It's just that he looks familiar." I told Dahyun and we continued heading home.

Speaking of Dahyun...

I heard her mumble that that kiss was her first. Damn now it's 5 girls who gave their first kiss to me. Although Dahyun's was just an accident cause someone accidentally pushed her at the restau we were eating on earlier.

After we reached the house. I saw a familiar looking bike outside the gate.

"Isn't this the bike we saw earlier?" Dahyun asked.

"I don't know. Chances of it being the exact motor bike is quite low since this kind of motor bike is the trend right now. And there's a lot of people using this bike nowadays."

We walked inside the house and I saw a huge guy sitting on the couch.

"Well I'll be damned. And I thought I was just imagining things. It really was you."

He turned around when he heard my voice and gave me a gummy smile. A gummy smile like the penguin sitting beside him. "Long time, No see, ReiRei."

I gave him a 'tch' and smirked. "Long time no see indeed... Kai."

To be continued...

Annyeong yeoreobun! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 I'm sure some of you were surprised to see the name 'Kai' on this chappy. And no... it's not the Kai of EXO. Kai... as in Kai Myoui. Yep. Mina's older brother who is a football player in Japan and whose position on the team is a Quarterback.

Anyways! Do you have any questions for the characters especially to Twice and Reiki? Comment below, yeoreobun! 5 questions each reader. Yeah I'm giving you 5 questions to ask anyone from the characters of the book since there's only a few of you who's a noisy reader 😂😂 and I also don't have that much followers sooooo yeah. Hahaha! Or if there is anything you wanna ask me too, you can ask it on the comment section too and we will all answer it after Chapter 24!

Vote. Comment. Share! :)

-Ash ❤️

P.S. A lot of you were asking me to update "All Of The Stars" so I've decided to alternate the updates. After an update here, I'm gonna update AOTS too. I hope you guys will support AOTS like how you're supporting this book! :) saranghae! ❤️

Mission: Make Him Love MeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum