The Future of Earth

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"Earth, in the future. What is it like?"

"Well, the Sea levels rose, meaning that there was less space. But, the water was drained back down to the original level. The water is now used for drinking purposes so that it's not wasted. Mega-cities are everywhere, and cities have upper and lower levels. Go and have a look."

Without saying another word, Jennifer ran down to the door, and went out of them. The world she stepped forward into, was dark and filled with fog. She could hardly even see at all. "Doctor?" She asked loudly.

"What is..." he answered, stopping as he exited the TARDIS.

"What's wrong Doctor?"

"I don't know, but I assume this is an under-city."

"So what do we..."

Suddenly, the sound of air vents started up, and the fog began to clear. They had landed in a small street, which consisted of old brickwork and rusting girders, and looking up Jennifer could only just see the roof. The street itself was unclean and there was litter everywhere, from packets to rotting food; several plants were overgrown and unkempt, leaving the place looking like it wasn't cared for.

"You were saying?" Asked Jennifer.

"This place is wrong. It should be almost exactly the same as the city above, especially as it is just a continuation of the same place. But something isn't right. C'mon, lets find out whats going on."

The Doctor headed out from the street, with Jennifer following. She asked, "So is this what you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you go around stopping things from happening?" She asked.

"No. I can only stop things if time is in flux."

"So you mean that you can't stop everything?"



"Because some things must always happen, they must, and they are fixed points in time. If you were to change time at one of these points, then everything would change, and if you changed certain points then time would collapse."

They turned onto another street, which had several boarded up shops, that looked as though they had closed a long time ago. The windows were shattered, the wood was rotting and there were plants growing inside the shop. Jennifer stopped and asked, "Doctor, how are these plants growing?"

"The lights down here are sunlights, they contain small particles of sunlight. And they in turn provide photosynthesis to the plants, allowing them to grow. Welcome to the future."

"But where are all the people?"

"Good question," he replied, walking down the street. Further down the street, the Doctor noticed several posters on the side of a Police Station. As he moved closer, he discovered that they were 'Missing People' posters. But what was more shocking, was the fact that there were loads of these posters plastered againt the side of the Police Station. Ten. Twenty. Thirty. Fourty. Fifty.

"Oh my god."

"That is a lot of missing people, too many. Everybody in this area has gone missing, the women, men and children. Everyone. But what for?"

"Don't you know. Doctor?"


The Doctor began to run down the road, quickly taking a right. Jennifer had to hurry to catch up with him. She managed to keep him within her sight, wondering where he was going. Along the way, she saw more abandoned shops and homes, as if everyone had moved away. Shortly after, she came to an abrupt halt next to the Doctor. And she could see why he had stopped. Right in front of them was a massive crater.

Doctor Who: The Fan Fiction - Part OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora