Chapter 16: Party Like A Monster

Start from the beginning

               ''There are a lot of things you can hold over that goof's head,'' Sam stated, making them all laugh.

                ''Someone explain why we're at this ghost scum's place, again,'' Maddie ordered, ruining their fun.

               ''We're here to PARTY,'' Alain cheered, making the teams burst into laughter again.

              ''He really is the chosen one of Apollo,'' White said to himself, chuckling.

             ''What Alain means is... okay we really are here to party,'' Tucker tried, but failed, to change up the words.

             ''If I may ask, why are the ghosts and mystics having a party,'' Star politely asked, shocking Team Phantom because of how she was an A-lister.

                 ''For our friends,'' Lena smiled, floating to Danny and White. ''After all these two have done for us, why wouldn't we celebrate their birthday?''

                They all looked confused by this. It made Lena frown.

              "Are you not all here for the the twin's birthday feast," she asked.

             "Why would we be here for their birthday? It's not till next June," Jack yelled. 

              Both ex-parents were thinking the same thing. ''Did these ghosts seriously think they knew his son better than they did?''

             Danny and White sadly looked down at his feet while all the ghosts, mystics, Sam, Tucker, and Valerie gapped at them. Young Justice was furious. Nightwing was actually, subconsciously, reaching for one of his bird-a-rangs. 

             "You forgot your own son's birthday," Krinos finally yelled at them. "What kind of parents are you!"

             "What! It's not their birthday! How dare you stupid mystic freaks and ghost scum pretend to know my sons better than me," Maddie yelled.

             They all looked around, there were no ghosts. It was just Krinos, Lena, and Alain. Pandora, Ember, Clockwork, and Frostbite had all gone ahead to the castle after that horrific scene after the concert. Guess now, she was just grouping them all together. Delusional little wench.

             "Mrs.Fenton it is their birthday," Valerie started.

              Maddie and Jack gapped at each other. This couldn't be right.

            ''Doesn't matter,'' Danny suddenly said. ''They haven't remembered in the other nine years they had us, why should the tenth be any different.''

              Most of the class looked at the twins in shock. Up until this field trip, the Fentons had always appeared as a picture perfect family. There was never anything obviously wrong with the family other than the embarrassment Jazz and the twins suffered for having ghost obsessed parents. 

              But now, it was like the most obvious thing in the world that they were anything but a functioning family. What type of parents forget their own kid's birthday, even if they're adopted. At this point, everything they once thought about the Fentons were thrown out the window.

            ''Let's go, guys,'' Lena smiled.

            Alain pushed open the door, and the crowd inside burst into cheers. There was a banner inside that read ''Happy Birthday Great Ones.'' Frostbite's own personal touch most likely. There was literally every type of ghost and magical creature there. Kitty, Johnny 13, Desiree, Ghost Writer, Sydney Poindexter, and many other friendly ghosts. The magical creatures ranged from the sirens and pegasi, to the fairies and vampires. Frostbite, Pandora, Clockwork, Ember, Wulf, Cujo, and Princess Dora were already there. 

            The group turn to see their class with their mouths hanging open. They couldn't believe this many beings were at a party for their classmates that they saw as dorks.

           ''We are gonna have so much explaining to do after this,'' Danny whispered to the others.

            ''No kidding,'' White agreed.

            ''Well, if it isn't our very own Phantom,'' Johnny greeted, high-fiving Danny. ''About time you showed up to your party.''

            Kitty went over and kissed Danny on the cheek. Shadow even came out from under Johnny's motorcycle and happily flew around White.

             ''Nice to see you to, Shadow,'' White laughed at the ghost's antics.

            ''Now, I don't know about you all, but I think there's one present you should open before this party gets started,'' Frostbite says.

              Once Frostbite got a hold of himself he turned to Danny.

            "Well, Great One, for all our sake I suggest you open your special present now," he says.

           He pointed over to a black and white box with a big green bow on it that came all the way up to Danny's waist. Danny walked over to the box and nudged it with his foot a slight giggle was heard from the box and he looked over to Frostbite.

           "Please tell me this isn't something that's gonna blow up in my face,'' he said, White secretly wanting to see what would happen if it did.

             Frostbite smirked. "I have no control over what it does..."

           "Okay, now you're just being cryptic, like pateras," he whined.

             Sam sighed. "Just open it, already. She's been in there for at least an hour don't make her wait any longer."

             "She," White raised an eyebrow.

            "JUST OPEN IT," Sam, Tucker, Young Justice, the ghosts, and mystics all yelled.

             Danny put his hands up in the air in defeat.

             "Alright just calm down," he told them.

             Danny then opened up the lid and yelled as a black and white blur jumped on top of him pinning him to the ground. All of them burst into laughter. No more than White and Nightwing, though. Those two were nearly on the floor.

              "Two hours! I was in that box for two freaking hours," a girl with white hair yelled from on top of him.

              "Dani," Danny asked, in awe.

             "Daddy," she yelled and hugged him tightly.

             ''DADDY,'' the class, adults, and most of the heroes freaked.

             ''Did she just say what I think she said,'' Gar gasped.

              Team Phantom all face-palmed. They were just so done at this point.


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