Liza's POV

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Tears continue to stream down my face as everyone explains the events that happened while I was in the bathroom. David pulls me into him and my sobbing drowns out the words of my friends. All but one.

Everyone had left after what happened. We are left in this quiet house full of trash and spilled alcohol. I shudder at the thought of what's missing.

"After he lunged at her, I stepped in front. I didn't think this would happen. I never should have let go of her," Zane says putting his face in his hands.

"Zane, you never knew this could happen. It's not your fault," Kristen says from across the counter. I think of the thought of Gabbie out there, who knows where, all alone.

"Yeah, Zane. It's not your fault. It's mine," I sniffle, turning away from David. "If I hadn't made such a big deal out of nothing, she wouldn't have gone after me. Now, for all we know, she's dead."

"Liza!" David snaps. "Stop it! It's nobody's fault! Nobody could have predicted or prevented this. We can sit here and bitch about it or we can do something."

"I-I could try calling her," Heath speaks up. I nod and Scotty agrees. He goes to get his phone, leaving us in silence. When he comes back, he types in the numbers and hits call. We wait a second and then hear a ringtone in the room over. My heart falls and Zane runs after it, not understanding.

"Is she here?!" he yells back. We hear him pushing things out of the way to find the source of the noise. He comes back glumly and sets the phone on the counter. Gabbie's phone. But there's no Gabbie. Alex's face falls into his hands and we all look away from the phone. Why do I already feel like she's gone? She's just a figment of my imagination now. Did she ever exist in the first place?

A sense of emptiness and helplessness washes over us. We stand there for what could have been forever. No one says anything and no eye contact is made. I jump when a sound pierces through the air. The phone comes to life and vibrates along the counter. The caller ID reads "Brian Mazzola".

"Who is that?" I speak up, seeing everyone's faces go pale.

"That's him," David says blankly. Nobody moves. Eventually the noise stops and a missed call notification pops up. Then a car engine starts up outside. I jerk my eyes to the window and see the headlights to a Buick light up the street. My eyes widen and I run over to see before they're gone. But what I see is not Gabbie. It can't be. What I see is a broken girl covered in blood and wearing ripped clothes. What I see is a girl who has no sense of direction or guidance. What I see is not the brave, strong, free-spirited Gabbie I know. What I see is a traumatized little girl who doesn't know who to trust or who to turn to.

"That's not Gabbie," I say aloud.

"Yes it is Liza," David says.

"No, no it's not. It can't be."

"Liza, come away from the window. Let's go sit down." I feel kind but firm hands wrap around me and pull me from the glass. The image is gone for now, but someone has to help her.

We all go and sit down in the living room. No one says anything and eventually everyone is asleep. Everyone but me. I look around and see Zane staring around too. We lock eyes and immediately have the same thought. I gently lift David off of me, making sure not to wake him up. We walk quietly towards the door. Zane grabs his keys on the way and we head outside.

Closing the door gently behind me, I race to the passenger side of the car, Zane already inside. We fly down the street and hurtle towards Gabbie's. Pulling into the street, I see her car in the driveway. A sense of relief washes over me. Pulling in, I dash up the walkway before the car even stops. I know she's alone based on the emptiness of the rest of the driveway.

I fling the door open and dash to the kitchen. I find a note saying her parents are gone. But I don't find her. I rush past and run to the TV Room and then the office. Nothing. "Gabbie!" I scream. By now, Zane is here. I dash up the stairs and run into her bedroom. Nothing. Then, I see a light in the bathroom. She's okay. She's here. Bursting in, I feel a cloud of steam hit my face.

"Gabbie?" I hear Zane call nervously.

"She's not in here," I respond shakily, picking up the tank top on the floor. "It's still hot in here. The shower's been run recently."

"Is that blood?" Zane asks alarmed, snatching the shirt from me. I find the rest of Gabbie's clothes lying on the floor and see the curtain pulled halfway open. There is a streak of blue and purple dye on the side of the tub. And a streak of blood. 

She's GoneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz