Oh, so this is Linda. 

I recalled her face, also. I was with her in the elevator when I went for the interview. Linda Steele, COO of Hollen Tower. She really did hold a great position. She could basically run the company by herself if Ethan had to travel or just couldn't come in.

"I'll tell you where and what I smudged it on," Linda snapped back rudely.

Ethan cleared his throat and everyone grew silent. 

It was amazing how they feared and were friendly with him at the same time.

"Boss, you were telling me last week that there was a proposition in," a guy began, but Linda cut him off.

"Any proposition the company has comes through me, Daniel, not you. That's above your pay grade. That's why Ethan'd got me," she said rudely, making me look at her with awe.

She'd just said Ethan's name without title. Everyone else was calling him "boss" or "Mr. Hollen". She was making me suspicious.

"Why are you even speaking?" another guy asked her.

"Shut up, Herbert. Why are you even here?" she snapped and began eating.

I looked at Ethan thinking he'd better control her. She was speaking too vily to her coworkers. 

He was eating as if he hadn't heard the rude remarks she was making to the others.

"Oh, hello. I believe your name is Emma. The fiancee," she said, dragging out the last word as if it was the worse thing.

"Mrs. Hollen," Daniel corrected.

"Danny-boy, she's not married to Ethan as of yet. Therefore, she's not entitled to his surname."

I was reaching my breaking point but managed to throw a fake smile at her. I wasn't about to let her shake me.

Ethan was glaring at her now. She flashed him a wink and continued eating.

There is definitely something wrong here.

"Is there something I should know here?" I spoke up, folding my arms over my chest and looking at Ethan. 

He gazed up at me. "Umm, no," he answered.

"Well, how exactly did you know what I want to clarify?"

"What?" Linda asked, looking puzzled by my question.

"What? Don't you hear clearly? You're the COO, part of your job should be attentive listening. Besides, I wasn't speaking to you," I said, trying my best to remain calm, but I had had it with her.

"Emma, calm down," Ethan said, leaning in to take my hands in his, but I pushed them away.

"I am calm."

"Oh this one is feisty. Like I said, you know how to pick them, Ethan," she said with a laugh.

My blood boiled. I directed my question to her since she wanted to be the center of attention. "When exactly did you tell him that?"

She remained silent when she saw the look on my face.

"Okay, everyone, just stop it! Can we have a peaceful dinner without any conflicts?" the personal assistant asked, holding up her hands.

I sipped on my glass of water and continued eating.

"Ethan, remember when we were in Paris and we went to dinner at that restaurant? I believe this is the same food they just served us. Remember that, and then we went to—?"

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