I Need To Talk

Começar do início

"I am amazing aren't I?"

Samila grinned biting her bottom lip.

"The kids will be here soon remember?"

Chicago said in an effort to tame Samila's advances.

"You make it hard to keep my promise to hold out a little bit longer while getting to know each other more."

Samila thought about that and realized she didn't know him as well as she thought. In fact if she had to name the things she knew all she'd be able to say it that his daughter is Chicago and he was in prison.

"You're right I'll be on my best behavior."



I needed to clear my mind because today was a lot.

I didn't have anyone to talk to. Harlem was handling her own emotions, My parents were being weird about theirs and Chicago had just started volleyball.

I have my other friends but I don't do this particular talking with them it would be weird for me.

I didn't feel like doing any art I just didn't know what to do.

I wanted to talk to someone so I settled for my own company.

Needless to say that didn't really work out and then looking over at Harlem's house I remembered that her mom Ms.Samila was so easy to talk to.

I went to Harlem's house and knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer.

Ms.Samila smiled as if she was expecting me.

"Hi Rakim!"

"Hi Ms.Samila can I come in?"

"Sure sweetie what's up?"

She said letting me in.

"I um I need to talk about my feelings I guess."

"And you chose me?"

She asked in a surprised way.

"Yeah, I mean last time we talked I felt really comfortable talking to you. I don't know you're just really easy to talk to. Now I know where Harlem gets it."

She giggled flattered I assumed and Chicago came into the room. Well her father that is.

"Hello Rakim."

Chicago's father said coming out of nowhere it seemed.

"Hello sir. Nice to meet you officially."

"I've heard some good things about your from my daughter. Nice to finally meet you young man."

"I'm going to talk to him ok?"

Ms.Samila informed Chicago.

"Take your time love."

He said to her.

If I hadn't known I'd think they been together for quite some time.

We went to her yoga room which Harlem says has the best vibes in the house.

"Sit on a bean bag and tell me what's on you mind."

She said sitting adjacent to me.

"I don't know how to start?"

"Is this about Harlem?"

I looked up at her giving me her undivided attention.

"Actually it's mostly about me."

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