She blinked, not entirely surprised by the news as her arms went around his neck, "Is that a big deal?"

"According to Ron, yes. Giants aren't very liked by the wizarding community, apparently." Harry replied, they were swaying now. "Very vicious, dangerous."

"But Hagrid's a sweetheart!" She protested, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"That's what I said. But wizards don't like giants, they never have, I don't know what he was thinking, telling Madame Maxime..." His voice trailed off and his grip tightened slightly.

She rested her head on his shoulder in what she hoped was a calming gesture, "He'll be alright, Harry. Dumbledore probably knows, and he wouldn't fire Hagrid over something like that. He knows how hard he works."

"I don't know what she's going to do about it. It's not like she swore to secrecy or anything," He sighed, resting his chin on her head.

Maybe it did calm him down a bit.

"Stop worrying about it," She scolded gently, tilting her chin up to catch his gaze. "This is Hagrid we're talking about. He's been to Azkaban and he's still come back. Something like this won't do anything."

The song ended, and they separated. She stood up on her tiptoes, pressing a small kiss to his cheek.

"Now," She chanced a look over to where Ron was sitting. He looked concerned and still sulky, blazing blue gaze resting on where Hermione and Krum were dancing, "go join Ron before he kills one of them with his glare."

He laughed, seeming to be reassured slightly, "Thanks, Am. I'll go try and keep Ron murder free."

She smiled, and soon enough George had joined her side, pulling her back into another round of crazy dancing as Harry went to sit beside Ron, their heads bent as they talked in hushed tones.

"Glad to see your feet are still functional," George teased as they did some sort of step move, involving them switching sides.

"He's not too bad. Just a bit clueless," She laughed, letting herself be twirled yet again.

It was happening a lot, she rather liked it.


It was nearing the end of the Ball, quite a few couples have left the dance floor to the rose garden doing who-knows-what. Amisty certainly didn't want to go investigating after seeing Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies flushed faces once they came back inside.

George, after a frequent bout of apologies, went to go dance with Alicia. It took more convincing on her part to get him to actually leave her alone.

"I'm fine, George," She repeated again, shoving him toward the dance floor. "Go dance with her!"

He looked pained, "But I -- "

"But you nothing! Go. Dance!"

And one good shove later, he was laughing and smiling with Alicia.

She rolled her eyes, finally.

"You seem to be having fun," A voice drawled, and she turned her head to the side, already smiling.

"Hi, Draco," She met his silver gaze, her eyes sparkling. "Do tell, who asked first? Pansy, or you?"

He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. His voice was scathing but teasing when he replied, "You're smart enough to guess."

"I don't know... You're too much of a flirt to let someone else make the first move, " She grinned slyly.

"Oh hush, you. Do tell," He jabbed her with his elbow, rolling his eyes as his gaze turned devious, "why have you been stepping off during all the proper dancing songs?"

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