You really hate me:

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I walked along the corridor, keeping my eyes open and alert. I purposely took this way; maybe then I wouldn't bump into Draco and his gang of idiots. Sighing, I walked faster. Why did I have to be in Slytherin? I thought. I should be in Hufflepuff, or someplace where you can be yourself and not worry about what others think. In Slytherin, who liked me? No one. Everyone acted as if they hated me. It didn't bother me much, I didn't need their validation. And anyway, the feelings are mutual.

Quickly, I turned the corner. Thank Merlin I didn't bump into Malfoy. No sooner than I had thought this, a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Look who it is. How's it going, Y/L/N." I rolled my eyes, not even turning around. Instead, I carried on down the hall. I thought that I had lost him when a pair of arms grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the wall. I winced as the wall met my back.

"Don't ignore me, Y/L/N. Didn't your parents ever teach you your manners?" I bit my tongue hard; he knew all too well that my mum was dead, and my dad.. well, let's just say I got just as bullied at home than at school.

"Can I please go?" I whispered, turning my head so my cheek was against the wall. He put his hands on either side of the wall next to my head and moved in so he was only a few centimetres from my face.

"Why would I let you go, Y/N. You're much too.... vulnerable." I closed my eyes, holding back tears as he breathed on my face.

"Please, Draco," I said louder, my voice breaking. He smirked again, moving in so he was next to my ear.

"You want to know a secret, Y/N? My favorite part of the day is when I get to see you," I gulped, looking at him. "You're always so helpless, so shy. Why is it you never shout at me, never retaliate? Do you like me?"

Finally, something inside of me snapped. I brought up my hand and slapped him hard across the face. My hand stung from the impact, but shit it felt good. He stammered backward, holding his hand to his cheek and looking at me in shock.

"I've had enough! Of you, all of you, treating me like shit. I'm done with thinking I'm not good enough because of your meaningless words. So, go ahead. Insult me and shout at me and push me up against walls and whatever else you do because I'm done with... you. I hate you. I cannot even fathom the words that show how much I hate you. And you know what? You don't deserve any more of my words. They are wasted on you." In my speech, I had backed him against a wall, taking the power of the situation. I was in control.

I exhaled a deep breath as I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. Relief. That was the word. Relief that I finally stood up for myself. Draco looked at me. His eyes were wide. But there was something about them which made them... different from usual. Normally, they were covered by a smirk or a look which, when he gave, you knew he was going to do something. But now the smoke had cleared. It was a look of sympathy, maybe even sadness. His hand reached out to my face. I flinched, awaiting some kind of impact, before shaking his touch away.

"Y/N." He said softly,  stepping away from me and running his hands through his hair.  His eyes looked into mine; they were, in short, beautiful. Which didn't exactly make up for the rest of his personality.

"Draco-" I started, but I was stopped with a pair of lips on mine. I stood shocked, not moving for a second before coming to my senses and shoving him off. "What the fuck? You can't just... just kiss me and expect me to forget about all the shitty things you have done. Who do you think I am?" Draco looked even more shocked than before.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I only acted like that because-"

"Don't say it." He sighed, looking to the floor briefly before changing the words in his mind.

"You really hate me?" I was silent for a moment, stepping away from the wall and walking by him.

"Yes, Draco. You've made my life shit. I can't just forget that because you said sorry once."

His face fell in disbelief that, for once, someone was not succumbing to his way. Someone had put him in his place. "I'll prove it to you."

I hesitated for a second before shaking my head, turning away so I couldn't see the shocked and disappointed expression etched into his features; "No, Draco. It's too little too late. I'm done with being weak. I have the control now." And with that, I walked away; only this time, it was Draco Malfoy left backed up against a wall.

If your re-reading this and think "why is it so different?"... it's because I changed it. As you know, I wrote this book years ago and coming back onto my account, I realise that most endings and events are completely against, not only reality, but my own beliefs. I do not condone this Y/N I wrote where I thought it was cool to be weak and desperate for male attention. (at least that's how I feel most of this Y/N is.

sooo i am rewriting these past chapters to where Y/N isn't completely infuriating and impossible to read. 

I hope you enjoy this better because I definitely do :)

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