A Chance Meeting

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"It's good to see you again, Allen." said Lord Campbell; his tone in the last word laced with suspicion.

"Didn't know you're here." stated Neah and Mana nodded.

"Well, what do you expect? I want to surprise you! Anyway, it's lunch time." with that said, the boy's- or rather- Mana raced back to the manor, dragging the scowling Neah with him and leaving Allen and the man behind.

Lord Campbell stood; his hands clasped behind him as he watched his nephews disappeared into the manor with a smile. "I don't know what you were talking about earlier, but I have a feeling..." he trailed off, leaving the last word hanging.

Allen glanced at him at the corner of his eye; his heart was beating fast, but remained stoic in the outside and raced back home, not wanting the family wait any longer for him before eating.

I see...you have it, too. Such a shame; I hope you are unable to synchronize with that innocence 'cause I hate to have to fight you in the future. Thought Lord Campbell and retraced his way back.

Their lunch went smoothly. Belle, Cornelia, and Cyrus were so indulged with whatever topic they were laughing of while the boys were chatting by themselves though Allen was a bit wary of this Lord Campbell. Unlike the Noahs, the boy had no means of identifying a Noah and akuma unless they were in their forms and the same goes with the Noahs and akuma.

"So, Allen. What were you doing these past two years?" Lord Campbell asked, leaning forward; his smile never leaving his face.

Allen almost choked on the water he was drinking. Replacing the glass on the table at his left side, he answered, "I was busy with the stuffs mom and dad left Me." it was obvious that Allen was wary of him.

"Oh, I see." chimed the man as he leaned back and took a bite of shrimp. "I hope we could see each other more often starting today. Hm?"

"Of course Lord Campbell. You're more welcome in my manor." Allen smiled naturally, playing along, and earned a light-hearted chuckle.

"I want to come, too!" exclaimed Neah, pumping his right fist that held a spoon in the air.

"Me, too. It's been two years since we've been there." said Mana with a smile.

Neah then asked his mother if when they could come over the Walker's manor.

"It's up to Allen, dear." replied Cornelia before turning to Allen. "When can we come?"

Allen scrunched up his face, thinking. "Hmm... Well, I still have a few things to do after this, so...probably starting next week, on Saturday. That's right. I'm free on that day."

"That settles it then!"

Allen, feeling anxious around the man, decided to go home thirty minutes after lunch. It was sudden and unexpected, but he reasoned that he had another schedule with his family's lawyer, thus he had to go home early that after. His friend's, Mana and Neah, however saw through his lie, but they knew better than utter a word and bid a goodbye.

Lord Campbell whistled, amused by Allen's actions. He knew the boy was anxious around him and suspected the latter thought of him as Noah, which he was right. He had known the boy for years since his nephews were toddlers and had taken a liking to the boy since then. He loved his nephews and Allen was no different, but if the time called for it, then he had no choice no matter how much it would pain him. For him, the family comes first before anything else; he valued his family, be it his Noah family or not, a family is a family no matter what. And so, he just hoped that Allen won't become an exorcist because he adored the boy so much as though he was his nephew or son.

35 Years [D. Gray- Man Fan- Fiction]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora