Incident of the Year [Rewrite Chap #4]

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*Lesedi is basically another part of Ruby, He is a more animal-like version of our favorite brunette and in turn more volatile and prone to violent outbursts. Also, fair warning in this story Jaune is an asshole. I'm not sure if I should change that in later chapters or leave it like that please let me know in the comments what I should do about that. *NOTE: The image above is what the general shape and color of Ruby's feathers and the tips of her wings are except her tail is black also the fanlike shape her feathers make when opened can be used to help her turn when in flight.

A.N. * Heh, so fair warning major changes ahead I suggest you reread TBAHH if you don't that's fine too but I highly suggest you do. Also when the text is in bold and italics, Lesedi and Ruby's voices are blending together.

Ruby's POV ~ Timeframe- 4 weeks after they started dating the morning of the day they have to leave for Beacon. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

She stumbled backward before being pushed to the ground. A man violently kicked her side causing her to curl into herself while coughing and gasping for air. The other three advanced crushing her arms and legs into the wooden floors. Every sound faded into the background her cries of pain filling my head with dread.

'Stop it! Please leave my mommy alone!' The voice of a child screamed, her tone raw and terrified. They didn't pay her any mind instead continuing what they were doing.

'Stop it, stop it please!' she pleaded her panic rose once she saw the glint of a knife as it was plunged into her mother's throat.


I sprung forward in my bed heavily gasping for air, my heart frantically beating in my chest causing it to ache painfully. Groaning, I rested my face in my hands sighing deeply. 'Why'd it have to be that nightmare again...' My sheets shifted and rustled next to me causing my panic to rise. Quickly I turned my head growling and snarling in defense of myself.

"AHH!" My would-be assailant screamed before lunging backward and away from me being followed by a loud thud and a pained yelp as they disappeared over the edge of my bed. The fog cleared from my mind and my panic took on a new form. 'Weiss!'

"Oh, my gods! I'm so sorry! Weiss are you ok!?" I frantically questioned scrambling to get off my bed and make sure she was ok. She quickly scrambled backward on her hands and feet away from me so I carefully got on my knees attempting to make myself look smaller so as to not further her panic. whimpers of regret left my throat my instincts yelling at me to do whatever I can to help my mate.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry Weiss...I'm sorry..." Her teary eyes lifted to meet mine her breathing beginning to slow.

"Wh-What the hell was that for Ruby?" She questioned in a shaking voice. I curled into myself as tears quietly fell from my eyes at the guilt I was feeling.

"I-I..." My words left me. Moments later I heard Weiss' tail brush against my floor before I felt her small arms wrap gently over my shoulders as she pulled herself up into my lap and rested her head under my chin her nose brushing along the length of my neck.

"What's wrong Ruby?" Her quiet voice and the scent of fresh mint only made it harder for me to hold back my tears. The combination of my nightmare and being the cause of Weiss' panic attack, no matter how long it was, just came together into an awful maelstrom of guilt, fear, and despair. I sobbed pulling her closer to me seeking any form of comfort I could hold on to as my mind began to swirl with the memories from that night. She soothed me with her purrs and quiet reassuring words. I forced my breathing to calm taking in shuddering breaths.

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