Friends with Benefits with Mr. CEO

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I fell of my bed as I was rudely awakened by the alarm clock. It was time for work. Ugh.

Today was Friday and oh how I would love to skip work and sit at a bar and drink my uninteresting life away with Virgin Daiquiris of course but I can't. My boss has been complaining about my tardiness recently and if I called in sick, she would personally come to my apartment and drag me out of bed and pull me by my hair to work. Or even worse, fire me.
I crawled to the bathroom and took a quick shower and got dressed. My black Gucci dress hugged my curves and my heels extended my legs. They were comfortable though.. Thanks to Dr. Scholls.
I quickly applied foundation, mascara, eyeliner and some lipgloss and then perfume. I grabbed a comb and ran it through my hair then grabbed my bag and car keys and headed out the door.

As soon as I was about to unlock my car, I realized I had two flat tires. Great, just great. Frustrated, I kicked the tires on my car and to my surprise, my heel broke.

"What the fuck? Seriously?!" I yelled angrily.

I marched back up the stairs and changed my shoes then left my car keys on the table.

I ran outside hoping I'd see a cab but of course, on a morning like this when I really needed one, there was none.

I looked at my watch and realized I had approximately twenty-five minutes to get to work.

There goes my job.

I walked briskly to train station. Upon arriving, I saw a train that I needed to go to work and quickly ran to it. As soon as I was about to take my last step in, the doors clung to my hair.

Lord, have mercy.

A few snickers could be heard but at this point I gave no fucks. I just chilled at the door until the next stop.

A couple minutes later, I got off the train, practically running out of the station. I slithered through the crowd and hopped across the streets. I looked at my watch again and I had five minutes left. Shit. I pushed away someone and stepped out into the street and to my surprise, I stepped into water that infiltrated into my shoes.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS? I'm almost there! Gimme a break!" I yelled to the sky as passersby gave me weird stares.

I shrugged and started to run towards the What's New Magazine building where I worked. I busted through the glass doors yelling

"Good morning, Chester!" to my old (and only) friend who was a security at the front desk. His wrinkled face lit up as he waved to me.

I approached the elevator which was about to close any minute; this time I grabbed my hair ends ensuring it wouldn't get stuck in the door. I could not have a repetition of this morning at the train station.

A sigh of relief escaped from my lips as I leaned against one side of the elevator.

"Are you okay?" a man asked. He had a pleasant smile on his handsome face.

Out of breath, I replied, "Yea, I'm just very exhausted from this morning's unfortunate events."

He nodded, still smiling. "First day?"

Fixing my make up and my hair in the mirror beside me on the walls of the elevator, I replied, "Nope, just trying not to be late again. Plus the CEO is coming to my department this morning."

"Have you ever met him before?" He asked, tilting his head to once side, revealing his handsome face even more.

"Nope. Been here six months and have no idea what he looks like. Coworkers told me he's a douche and I proved it myself last month. I wrote an article directly to him about how vintage fashion looks were now in and he totally castigated my work. Basically said it was dumb and this magazine was only going to publish new things that were in. Vogue Magazine had an article about it last week and people loved it. This magazine needs to step its game up if we ever want our number of readers to skyrocket but I guess that wont happen for now," I scoffed, reapplying face powder and lipgloss.

He looked at me, chuckled with his head held down, "Yeah, he can be a real douche sometimes."

After fixing myself quickly, I stared at him for a while. His black hair was slicked back on his head. His black suit looked so good on him. Not too big or too tight, but just right on him. It was expensive too. I saw it in one of the Armani catalogues in a magazine I was skipping through at the salon last week. He looked really sexy especially with the stubbles of hair on his chiseled face. Probably a model or something. I don't know. But whoever he was, was heading to my department.

I watched as Mr. Sexy From The Elevator entered my boss' office while I sat at my uninteresting cubicle. A couple minutes later, my boss, Mrs. Charles, exited her office with Mr. Sexy then called for everyone to gather around. I quickly got out of my seat and approached her with everyone else who were either mumbling or very quiet.

"Good morning everyone. I am pleased to introduce you all to Mr. Sylvester McMaster, What's New Magazine's CEO for those of you who are not aware of who he is," she announced, glancing at me after her last statement.

Everyone applauded with warm smiles on their faces while I stood there praying that the Earth opens up and swallows me alive especially when he smiled knowingly at me.

Oh my God.

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