Prompt #1

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(Prompt #1 I hope you enjoy it.)

      Angelion and his supervillain, Demonica, clashed sending a massive shockwave of energy  pulsing from the sight of collision. These arch nemesis have been clashing for over a decades all the while they lived normal lives ( well for the villain  of our story). For the past twenty years Angelion has been finding ways to defeat Demonica once and for all, but Demonica lived a normal life with a job and a family. Demonica had found himself a wife, who gave birth to his beautiful son, only for her to sadly die of cancer a year later. His son knew that he was a supervillain but he loved him no less and he always knew someone out there was routing for the villain. All the while he was living a normal life Angelion had discovered a weapon powerful enough to not just defeat but destroy Deamonica once and for all, the dagger of Mariana.
     The intense battle raged on across the destroyed section of the city in a crowd gathered, watching the battle take place was Deamonica's son, silently cheering on his father. The young, 15 year old, had just gotten out of school and was standing in his uniform, bag in hand. The battle seemed to be playing out like any other one his father and his father's arch nemesis have had in the past. That was until Angelion unsheathed his secret weapon.
      Angelion drew the dagger from one of his many utility pockets and readied it in his hand. Charging at Deamonica at top speeds, he drove the dagger with all of his might into Deamonica's chest. Deamonica's eyes widened as he gripped the dagger planted in his chest as Angelion shoved him to the ground. Sadly Deamonica's son had witnessed his father being stabbed.

      "Noooooooo!" Deamonica's son screamed as he began to force his way through the crowd. He was going to be breaking one of his father's biggest rules. Never to approach him while he is Deamonica.  He burst out of the crowd and sprinted over to his fallen father dropping down on his knees next to his dad. All the time with Angelion and everyone looking on in utter confusion.

      "Simon, what are you doing. You know the rule. You need to leave," his father told to him gripping his arm as his son was starting to cry.

      "I don't care about the god damn rule! I'm not going to leave you here to die! I'm not going to abandon the last parent I have over some stupid rule!" Simon cried tears falling from his eyes like niagra. His words sent a shockwave through the crowd even to Angelion who felt no shame for what he'd done because he was thinking this: 'Let the sins of the father be cast upon the son'.

       Deamonica smiled warmly as he used his hand to wipe away his sons tears. He heard Angelion approaching them and he might be down but he will protect his son to his last breath. Deamonica summoned a wall of brimstone separating him from them.

     "Simon you have to get out of here. I'm done for there is no saving me he used the only thing that can stop me. And I fear that he will not hesitate to use it on you. Now do as I say and run." His father's words were becoming weaker as he knew that the end was near for his father as his father uttered his last words to his son " I love you." . With a deep breath his father was dead.

     The brimstone wall between him and Angelion collapsed, as the power that was keeping it standing died. Angelion walked slowly over to Simon who was on his knees, his head hung, and a dark, dangerous look in his eyes. Angelion stopped only a few feet from Simon and his arch nemesis' dead body.

      "So Deamonica has a son I wonder what poor soul he had to rape to get a spawn such as you? Huh. Now tell me who really was your father." Angelion laughed.

     Simon rolled back his sleeves and grabbed a piece of glass form the ground. All his life he thought he never had super powers like his father but mow he was assured that they were there, he just hasn't used them until now. Using the glass he cut the underside of of his arms from his wrist to his elbows. Instead of blood long tentacles of blood came out. Simon stood up.

     "Actually my father loved my mother we were a very happy family until she died of cancer." He began to approach Angelion the tentacles becoming violently." My father was actually a very kind and a very loving man who cared about his family. I loved him and you took him away from me so if there is anyone here that should be the villain it is you."

      With that the tentacles shot towards Angelion with  a dangerous agenda. The agenda to kill.  Angelion fought back against them as they seemed to keep up their attack not letting up their attack. The hero began to become covered in wounds until he couldn't stand anymore, crumbling to his knees.
      Simon walked up to the hero on his knees as the tentacles came together to form a sythe blade. He pressed the blade against Angelion's neck ready to slit his throat.

     "I'm not going to kill you but you will remember what I almost did. Because you apparently have forgotten what being a hero means. Being a hero is not knowing when to take a life but when to spare one." Simon reminded before stabbing Angelion in the shoulder, pulling out the blade. He turned before quickly running off remembering to grab his school bag. Eventually dissolving into the darkness of a nearby allyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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