"Where are we?" I asked, taking my father's hand, letting him lead me. We appeared to be at the edge of a cliff, one that overlooked a beautiful, serene outlook.

"This is the border between our Eidraes and Ostax. We are a peaceful nation, but Ostax seeks our power and everything we have. Everything the light touches, is ours. Everything just beyond the border, in Ostax, is dark, is inherently evil. You must never go beyond the border, Josselyn, do you understand me?" My father took me by the shoulders, looking me squarely in the eyes.

"Yes, father, I understand." I told him, narrowing my eyes at his words.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. Josselyn, one day, when I am long gone, you will be Queen of Eidraes. I believe you will be a just and fair queen, but you also need to be alive. Ostax is unsafe. It's full of traitors, horrible people in exile from our fare kingdom for horrible deeds. You will not only be Eidraes' queen, but also Ostax's. They will not like being ruled, much less by a woman. You must be strong in the coming years, show them you are not afraid." My father's words resonated with me.

"Of course, father. I hope to be half the ruler you are." I spoke quietly.

"I know you will, Josselyn. I believe in you." He smiled wistfully, taking me by the hand and leading me back towards the carriage. He helped me back into the carriage. "Take her back to the palace promptly, I have some business to take care of first." My father told the driver, giving my hand a squeeze. I nodded, leaning back against the carriage bench as we began to move.

"I'll see you at dinner, father?" I asked, leaning out of the carriage window.

"Yes, darling." He yelled back at me and I couldn't help but smile as I pulled myself back into the carriage. We rode hastily back to my home and I watched the palace gates begin to close behind us. My mother was waiting for the at the front steps, watching as I stepped out of the carriage.

"Your father?" She asked, furrowing her brow as she glanced back at the carriage, as if expecting to see him step out of it.

"He said he had some private business to attend to and he sent me back here." My mother narrowed her eyes, gesturing for a guard, one of my father's personal guards, to step forward. She whispered something in his ear and he nodded once, walking to the stables that were housed nearby and jumping on a horse, riding away. I watch him ride past the castle gates for a moment, allowing my mother to tug me inside the palace.

"Let's get you inside, darling. It's a bit chilly out here." My mother rushed me inside and I could tell she was worried about father. I let her take me to her and father's private chambers, settling me in their parlor, on one of my velvet covered couches that populated the room. My mother sat next to me as maids rushed into the room, carrying trays of piping hot tea and various delicacies. My mother accepted a cup of tea, as did I, and we both watched as they maids left, closing the doors behind themselves. My mother sipped her tea, looking out of the window as I set my cup down, reaching for a treat.

"Don't eat too many treats, I don't want you to spoil your dinner, darling." My mother chided me and I felt my cheeks heat.

"Yes, mother." I replied and she grinned at me, placing an arm around my waist and drawing me closer. I snuggled into her side, resting my head atop her shoulder as I bit into the cookie I had picked up.

I woke after what felt like hours, vision groggy as I sat up. I didn't remember falling asleep. My mother wasn't in the room and I was spread out across the couch. I stood on uneasy legs, moving for the door when a maid servant walked.

"I'm here to escort you to your chambers, your highness." She followed me as I walked to my chambers, tailing me as I walked to my armoire.

"I need to change for dinner. Can you help me?" I asked the maid and she only smiled and nodded.

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