Chapter 1

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Blake's POV


Yes, Its been 10 whole years since I saw her. My best friend, my other better half. And now I'm on my way to meet her. I can't help but think what has she been up to all these past years? How does she look now? Did the scar above her right eyebrow fade away with time or is it still there? Does she remember me? oh duh who am I kidding ofcourse she does. We grew up together, we know each other since our diaper days. Always joined by hip. Good days, good days.

But what about the 10 years break in between? Asked my subconscious. Me being the sensible person I am, ignored it.

I then looked around the van I was sitting in. More like our entire squad. We were all high school friends, no we did not separate and forgot each other's existence when we left for different colleges, instead we stayed in touch and met every year. Shocker I know but we all grew up in same town and stayed together even after going in different directions. Everyone stayed in touch except for her.

Past 2 years we all got really busy with our lives and didn't meet, hence we decided to spend vacations together, the entire three months.

Our squad consisted of the twins, Georgina and Alex. Alex was the prankster of our group, she was also his partner in crime and they both tortured us to no ends. Whereas, Georgina was the more sensible one and kept her brother in check. She was pretty close with her too. Hell, we all were.They met her in a fair where she and Alex fought over a teddy bear for 20 minutes. Alex and her were practically same.

Next came Jay, that guy was obsessed with gym, no kidding. If he could leave his home and spend his life in gym, he would. No exaggerating. He was the loner who kept to himself and stayed in school gym, until she came along and asked him very nicely as I quote "Bring your ass out of that dirty smelling cave and enjoy your life." 

Then came the nerd, Matt. When she was failing in maths, she asked him to give her tutoring classes or else she would cut him into pieces and feed him to ducks. Yeah, she could be threatening when she wanted to be.

I moved to my right and saw Hannah looking out of the window. Hannah joined our school in junior year and immediately got all the attention with her curvy body, blue eyes and blond hair. However, Hannah was way too naive. So when she saw Hannah being harassed by a school jock, she punched him breaking him nose. And that's how Hannah became part of the group. Hannah, her and I had so many sleepovers, those were the days man.

I heard snoring and looked back, chuckling lightly as I saw Damon sleeping. He was the jock who harassed Hannah. HAH I KNOW. But when she punched him, she wasn't done with him like we thought instead she made him her slave (yeah she was a maniac) for an entire week. But then she came to know he acted as a jerk because his parents were getting a divorce so she went soft on him. Hence he became one of her bestfriends too.

Then came Brandon, Caleb, Blair, Alice, Ryder, Katrina and me. I told our names in the end because there is no story as to how we met. We were childhood friends, living in the same neighborhood, going to same kindergarten, middle school and then high school.

Last but not the least, I looked at HIM. Xavier Salvatore, the bad boy of the school, the heartthrob of every girl, the football team captain, the guy with tattoos. However, he wasn't the full badboy package as his GPA was always 3.9 and... he wasn't a playboy. No not at all instead his heart belonged to he, his sunshine, Amelia Forbes. They were high school sweethearts, their kind of love was sacred, they literally were the perfect match. Him being all dark and mysterious and dangerous and her being all friendly and smiling and joyful. She was his ray of sunshine, his hope. His everything. She broke him, us everyone when she left 10 years back.

It isn't like we don't know why she left. Xavier and her had a huge fight, and when I say huge I mean it. He said a lot of hurtful things to her infront of everyone. None of us talked with him after that for a while. One can see the glint of guilt and regret in his eyes even now after 10 years. It was the beginning of spring break of our senior year. We had a week off, they had this fight on last day before the break. We all knew she needed time, she called Katrina telling her to inform us that she was going to speak the break with her aunt and none of us should contact her. She needed space. We respected her decision. We all knew she would come back after the break. After all, it was just a misunderstanding between them.

None of us knew our ray of hope wasn't returning ever again.

That week we got busy with Xavier, he started getting drunk all the time and tried calling her but we stopped him before he made any other mistake. Once the break ended, we waited for her to come back and had this huge welcome surprise party prepared for her. But she didn't. We didn't give it a thought assuming she needed more time but as days passed by we started calling her only to realise her number was switched off and all her social media account were deactivated. Her house was locked,we even couldn't contact her parents. We still had hope, but when she didn't come for graduation we started losing it.

Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, months to years and before we know it, a decade has passed.

None of us knew why she never returned. All we had of her were her memories.

All of us gave up, until recently when Matt the nerd told us he has a lead. We were all speechless. We found out she lived in a mansion and that she was CEO of this huge commercial company. This girl makes me proud. However, her mansion was on an island, it was a developed island and she had a huge office there. SHE LIVED ON A FUCKING ISLAND CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. Matt being the genius he is after years and years of search found her home number. But that's all we found out. When we had the number, we all stared at each other not knowing what to do, that's when Alex just said " FUCK IT " dialed it and put the phone on my ear. Yeah and for once we thought he was going to do an act of bravery. That sucker I was going to give him a piece of my mind when I heard beep indicating the call was received.

I had to hold my breathe, was I really going to hear her voice?

"Hello?" came the voice. I don't know whether I was relieved or sad that it wasn't hers.

"Hey ummm can I.. uh Talk to Am..Amelia Jones?" I asked nervously.

"And who might you be?" Asked the lady on other side, she sounded like an aged woman.

"I am uh her fr..friend Blake yeah" Man up you dick. Screamed my subconscious. It wasn't my fault, specially when almost a dozen pairs of eyes were staring at me.

There was a pause on the other side.
"Oh yeah yeah I know about you. I'm her housekeeper so nice of you to call, she's currently at her office want me to convey something?" Wow so she did remember me.

"Yeah our friends and I were in ummm you know the island? and thought maybe we could like visi..t her?" I asked hopefully.

Again a long pause
"YES SURE WHY NOT INSTEAD WHY DON'T YOU GUYS STAY WITH US? I'M SURE SHE WOULD BE SO HAPPY SO MEET YOU ALL" I had to keep the phone away from  my ear for the sake of my hearing. Why is she so excited out of sudden?

"I I'm..not really sure abo..." she didn't let me finish.

"Oh please I insist I'm sure we have rooms for all of you" Woah Amelia really did have a mansion.

"Uh I ummm.." Again she cut me off.

"Have your time, think about it. My name's Martha. You can call on same number when you make your decision"

With that she hung up.

It doesn't take a genius to realise what our decision was, hence that all leads to right now. All of us excited, anxious, angry, happy af, worried all at the same time sitting in the car. Going at her place, Mansion I mean.

No one spoke a word during the entire ride, there was no noise nothing except for Damon snoring. Nobody could blame us, we were going to meet her, our sunshine our Amelia after 10 long years.


Okay guys yayyy this is the first chapter, I hope you guys like it. Please support it and please do vote for me and tell your friends too. I'll be really grateful. Thankssss.

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