2. broken

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I was driving, had no idea where to go expect Courteney's, so that's where i headed. I was still in my work clothes from my last set, which was my high heels, grey skirt and white shirt. My head was spinning and my eyes were filled with tears which was making it hard to drive.

About an hour later i finally make it. I was scared to go in and i have no idea why. I felt so, weak.

As i was making my way out my car, i stood for a minute looking at the house, taking in everything that had just happened.

I knocked twice, then the door opened. It was Court of course.
"jen? are you okay?"

"can i come in, please" my voice cracked as the tears started again.
She reached out for my hand and pulled me inside, giving me a massive hug.
"here come sit down" court says closing the front door and guiding me to the living room.

"what happened." Court says as we both sat down on the sofa.

"Its brad, he um, cheated again." "We then had a massive fallout and i left, i didn't know where else to go i'm so sorry."

"hey hey jen baby don't cry, i'm always here trust me. You can stay as long as you need."
"let's get you into some of my pjs and we can pick your stuff up tomorrow okay"
we smiled at each other and i finally walked with her upstairs.

After getting changed, we watched a movie to take my mind off things. We watched Grown ups as we find Adam incredibly funny. But i couldn't watch any of it, my eyes were slowing closing because of how tired i was from an exhausting day.

"jen babe, you're struggling to keep your eyes open, you should sleep." court says.
I simply nodded and made my way to the spare room.
Sleeping was incredibly hard, everything came back into my mind and i was in a puddle of tears. I don't want to leave him, i love him so much and i honestly can't see my life without him. I want him. I need him.

Who Am I // justifer जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें